
10 2 8

K. So I was tagged by scarlettisagoner to do this so ye. Y not?

Pretty much my bucket list.... it's pretty sad and short but meh. Here it goes! :)
So I only have 10 things... enough procrastinating. Let's get into this!
1) Make a movie (whether it's posted on YouTube or actually made. It doesn't matter).
2) Start a YouTube channel so I can maybe (if I get popular) make people's day a little better.
3) Go to comicon/supernova/vidcon
4) Travel overseas to either America, Italy or Iceland (then expand to other countries if I have the money).
5) See some of the most famous landmarks in the world.
6) Get either a cat or a dog.
7) Go to Harry Potter Land.
8) Help people with their problems/become a psychologist.
9) Try new foods from other countries.
10) Drink bleach (kidding. I didn't have anything else to put here so I just put this. I'm not suicidal or anything and I'm not joking about it. (Rant coming soon) I just needed something to fill it up with).
Anyways, that's all. Thnx. It's sad but meh.
Peace out recruits.

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