Chapter 5 - Clouds and trains

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Lillian’s POV

“That one looks like a bunny,” laying on the grass while looking up at the sky, I pointed to a cloud as Daniel drew circles on my other hand.

Smiling, he pointed out one as well:  “There’s a mushroom, coming to eat your bunny.”

I hit his muscled chest with my free hand, laughing.  “Geez, Danny, you’re no fun.”  Yes, Daniel has become Danny-boy to me and I’m his Lilly-flower.  It’s been 2 months since the olive festival and we are happily and hopelessly in love, spending every moment we could together, talking, laughing, cuddling and kissing.  Mmm, a lot of kissing, yes. 

Daniel, I’d found out, was 22 so we had a nice 2 year age difference.  In between my work and his family farm work, I’d had the privilege of meeting and spending time with his family.  They were great.  His parents were fun loving and his younger brother Shane absolutely adored Daniel.   Shane was in grade 12 at the local high school, making him 4 years younger than his big bro.  And 2 years younger than me – which he took for a small enough gap to try and flirt with me in front of Daniel.  Which of course earned him a slap behind the head and a stern “stay away from my girl” warning from Dan. 

I’d also officially been the first person outside of his family to be let into his “personal domain” – part of the barn on their farm converted to a workroom for my man.  It turned out that my Danny-boy was a very skilled woodworker who made the most beautiful furniture, the quality of which was starting to attract the attention of the locals in a big way.  He’d already sold 2 lounge suites and some smaller pieces and was currently putting the finishing touches on an absolutely breathtaking 8-seater dining room suite which had been ordered special-made for a local celebrity.  His label on his work was called Lion’s Den – cause he was Daniel but his stuff looked good in people’s dens, he’d joked.

I had been blown away by his talent, staring in awe at some of the half done furniture he was working on.  His designs were fresh, unique and I could see a great future for him with it.  He’d told me that his uncle in Port Elizabeth had offered to set him up in his own business.  I’d asked him many times why he wasn’t jumping at the prospect, but he’d just smiled his lazy smile and pulled me close, saying “I’m not going anywhere just yet... too much to keep me here.”  And then he’d kiss me breathless… senseless…  

Sometimes the sweet intensity of our make-out sessions would leave me wondering how we could have gotten so completely in love with each other so quickly.  It was as if we didn’t want to let each other go… ever.  We’d spent many a night cuddled together, making plans for the future while telling each other our wishes and dreams. 

We just fit so perfectly that it was hard for me to remember that I was only in Prince Albert for a short time still.  I’d in fact quite forgotten about that fact until my aunt phoned me last week to discuss the details of my next assignment she’d scheduled a town over.  It broke my heart to think that I would not see Daniel every day, but today those sad thoughts were forgotten as we were picnicking and enjoying some winter sun on one of the hills of the Black Mountains just outside of town, while making plans to see each other every weekend of my new contract.

“It’s only a short drive away, Lils,” Daniel assured me for the hundredth time today while holding me close as we lay watching the clouds roll over the mountains.  “We’ll cope, you’ll see.  I’d walk these mountains barefoot if it meant I got to see you every weekend!”

I smiled at his silliness, wondering again how I got so lucky to find a guy like Daniel. 

“Tell me about your family,” he asked as he sat up and handed me a sandwich from the picnic basket we’d brought with us.  I sat up as well, thinking about his question.

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