Chapter 7

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"So did we really even learn anything?" Tina queried as they followed their waitress to a booth at the window.

He shrugged as they sat across from each other . "I mean, we kind of learned the proper hand placements and, uh, yeah that's about it. But I don't mind." He smiled as he picked up the menu.

Tina laughed softly as she looked around the place. The restaurant resembled a 50's diner and had an upbeat vibe. The floor tiles were square and white, and the walls were a pretty pastel yellow. There was a bar with stools that stood in the middle of the restaurant, and metal tables with silver chairs scattered around it. The walls of the restaurant were covered with shiny red booths and every here and there was a music box that while it still worked, was rarely ever played. The place was basically empty except for several young couples and Tina and Jimmy Jr.

"What sounds good to you Tina?" Jimmy Jr asked, nodding his head at the menu.

"Oh right, we came here for some ice cream... To be honest I think I just want a chocolate milkshake."

Jimmy Jr looked down at the menu. "That sounds good, want to share it?"

Tina nodded. After placing their order and waiting about five minutes, the milkshake that they would share finally came out. The waitress placed it on the table and dropped two straws down with a smile.

Jimmy Jr stuck his straw in and took a sip. "Wow this is good.."

Tina took a sip. "Why have I never had this before? We need to tell everyone about these!"

Jimmy Jr laughed. "Well yeah that and also I think we should tell everyone about something else."

"What do you mean?"

"Tina I want to be your boyfriend."

She blushed. "Really? You mean it?"

"Yes, I wouldn't rather it be any other way."

"Do you promise not to make me have to grovel at your feet for your attention?" Tina said, conscious of how the boy could treat her at times.

Jimmy Jr looked up, slightly confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, it's just that sometimes you would leave me hanging on where we stood. You act like you're ashamed of us being a thing." Tina looked down at the milkshake and stirred it, not wanting to look into his eyes.

Jimmy Jr shook his head. "What? Tina no! You've got it all wrong. Yeah I know I can act like that at times, but that doesn't mean that I don't like you. I just didn't want to talk about it in front of Zeke, because he likes you, he talks about marrying you a lot. But the thing is that I don't care anymore. I just want to be your boyfriend, and Zeke will have to deal with that."

Tina looked up with a smile on her face and hope in her eyes. "Do you really mean that?"

He nodded.

"Then yes! Of course I'll be your girlfriend, officially."

They smiled and shared a kiss.

Tina had never felt happier in her life, this was the day that she learned what love truly felt like, even if she had thought she had known what it was before. Because nothing in the world could ever truly compare to this feeling.

However, the universe can have a cruel sense of humor, because there was another plan to be put into action. On the window next to their booth covered with beautiful beaded drops of water, there was a sudden loud rapping that clearly meant for the two lovebirds in the booth.

Tina and Jimmy Jr : So You Think You Can DanceWhere stories live. Discover now