chapter 5

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                                                             (Bella's pov)

I brought Percy to my cabin and sat him down on the bed.

"Sorry Percy but there is only one bed but there is a blow up mattress in the closet so I'll be sleeping on that."I told him,Percy looked at me shocked and a bit angry.

"I will not let you sleep on a blow up mattress Bells you could get sick!" Said Percy I stood there shocked just looking at him.


"No buts,now I'll go get the mattress and set it up."Percy got up from my bed and went to go get his bed.I blushed thinking how he care about me when Luke came in.

"BELLS YOUR BACK."He ran up and gave me a big hug.I awkwardly patted his back."I missed you soo much Bells.I waited for you to come home!"

"I missed you too Luke."I pulled away so I was holding him arms length away."Bells I really want us to get back together I was stupid to break up with you I"M SO SORRY!"

"Luke sorry but no,I kind of already have a boyfriend."He looked at me with sad blue puppy dog eyes.

"You do?"I nodded my head and he sighed."Well I guess I missed my chance to get you back,so whos the lucky guy that get to go out with a beautiful girl like you.

"Bella I found the mattress!"Percy came back in the room and looked a Luke and glared because he was still holding me.I walk over to Percy and he put a protective arm around me.

"Luke this is Percy my BOYFRIEND." Luke met Percy's glare and glared right back at him."W-e-l-l this is awkward."I said rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet."I'll get your bed ready Percy then we can go to the dinning hall (I forgot what it's called) nice seeing you again Luke."I took the mattress from Percy and pecked him on the lips.

                                             (Percys pov)

I looked at Luke and glared at him.But if he is Bella's friend I'll try to be nice.So I stuck out my hand.

"Percy Jackson." He looked at my hand like it's the most discusting thing in the world.So I just let it drop bakc to my side.

"Luke Castlo." He glared at me again."Bella use to be my girlfriend and I broke up with her thinking that she won't love me anymore when she left,now that she is at camp again I'll be trying to get her back so get out of my way or else."I raised my eye brow at him,who does he think he is!

"No you lisen Luke Bella is my girlfriend and I won't let you take her from me ok?I like her ALOT and you won't stand in my way and take her from me you got that?Now if you'll excuse me I have to go help Bells make my bed."And with that I walked away.

Percy Jackson meets Bella ( Percy Jackson and Twilight crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu