Be Proud

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Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you.

I know plenty of people with odd quirks, like legs being two different lengths, scoliosis, and I myself have a mild rib divot and flair, I also know someone with a moderate rib divot and flair. If you don't know what any of those are look it up. But, the rib divot didn't stop me from changing into and out of my swim team uniform suit a size or 2 to small in the middle of the locker room, in front of tons of strangers. I was a weird kid. I also used to crane kick soccer balls during games, but that's a story for another time. Anyway my good friend has scoliosis or as I like to call it snake spine syndrome so she has to wear a back brace and she rocks it. Plastic abs for life yo. Plus it doesn't  stop her from doing dance, and doing it great at that. Two different leg lengths, amazing swimmer, super fun person, incredibly weird, my kind of person. Lesson have no shame and most of all be proud of you, no matter how many weird quirks you have.

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