Important Desions

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       Ok, so in life we're all faced with very important decisions. Because my family is from the great and powerful Iowa, the state no one knows about, home of the most genetically altered crop in the word (corn), my decisions are weird. Some are completely random, but I want you guys to answer these questions, and then ask them to some random people you know, or don't know, I don't care. Lettuce begin.......

Pickles or Cucumbers?
Cyclones or Hawkeyes? (This one's a Midwest thing)
Limes or Lemons?
Yellow Apples or Red Apples?
iPhone or Samsung?
Circles or Squares?
Ostriches or Emus?
Pigeons or Doves?
Turtles or Tortoises?
Monkeys or Apes?
Baboons or Chimpanzees?
Pens or Pencils?
Computers or Paper?
Art or Music?

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