So True

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              So, this song perfectly describes me and my friends, just the first verse sums us up perfectly! I swear these guys saw us and then wrote this song. Lettuce get in to the story, shall we?

              Ok, so our town holds this thing called a Splash Dance every summer where all the kids going into 6th grade to either 9th or 10th grade can go to the local Aquatic Center from 8-10 pm. It's AWESOME! So me and my friends, (Loops, Aqua, Wildfire, I'm looking at you), went. We thought it'd be a fun chill night. We didn't take into account the friendship high we all get into when we hang out. That was a mistake. Those nights were GREAT for us, not so much for all the other kids there. Whoops. If you were someone else there here's a message, "I AM SORRY TO ANY AND ALL INNOCENT BYSTANDERS THAT WERE HARMED AND/OR MILDLY ANNOYED IN THE MAKING OF FUN FOR ME AND MY FRIENDS, THANK YOU. HOW DO YOU TURN THIS MEGAPHONE OFF AGAIN? WHICH RED BUTTON? THANKS." Wow. That was a mini story of the first time I used a megaphone. So, there you go. MYUMYU OUT! (Imagine a mic drop here)

PS. Friends Love Ya

PPS. Followers Love Ya Too

PPPS. Random Stranger Who Is Using This Book To Decide Whether You Want To Follow Me Or Not, Love You Too

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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