Let's Have Dinner [Part Two]

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Happy Reading! :D


I walked into my room, looking for my purse, but I couldn’t find it. ‘Where in the world are you?’ Getting on my hands and knees, I checked under the bed. There it was. Grabbing it, I stood up, dusting myself off.

I looked up to see Nick standing there, watching me. What is up with him today? Shaking my thoughts, I smiled at him.

“I found it.” Holding up my purse, I showed him what I was talking about. He nodded his head and walked to stand directly in front of me, leaving a few inches in between us. My heart sped up at our proximity. Although I came to terms with him getting married, I still had feelings for him, and he wasn’t helping them.

Without warning, he crashed his lips to mine. Kissing me so passionate and urgent, yet it was so soft and gentle. I took no time in responding to the kiss, returning the feelings he was giving. I don’t know how long we stood there kissing, but when we finally broke apart we were both breathless.

Leaning his forehead on mine, “I had to Cam. Please don’t hate me.” he whispered. He pulled back and stared into my eyes.  I shook my head, and smiled. “God, you’re just so beautiful.” My heart was beating out of my chest. Why did I allow him to do that to me? He was getting married, and I couldn’t have him, even if I didn’t want him.

“Nick,” I started. “We-“

“I know Cam.” He cut me off. “But don’t let this change things between us. You mean too much to me.” He pleaded. I nodded my head, although we both knew we could never go back. “Will you still go out to dinner with me?” he asked. I looked up and gave him my best smile.

“Of course we can. I didn’t get dressed up for nothing.” I laughed, trying to lighten the mood and get my mind off how hot that kiss made me.

He grabbed my hand. “Well let’s go sweet lips.” He joked, pulling out the room. I shook my head and smiled as he led me out the apartment.


“Thanks so much for dinner. It was delicious.” I said as we walked down the beach, holding hands, which Nick insisted we do.

“Yeah, it was.” He said rubbing his stomach. “We should go back again.” Smiling down at me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I nodded my head in agreement. We fell into a comfortable silence, as we listened to the waves crash against the shore.

“I’m glad we found each other.” He said after a while.

“Me too.” I said honestly. After graduation, I never thought I would see him again.

“I wish it was you, Cam.” I looked at him confused. I guess he understood my confusion because he continued. “I wish I was marrying you.” I stopped and looked at him, shocked.

“W-what?” I managed to spit out. He laughed at me, before pulling me back against and continued walking.

“After seeing you at the airport, I knew I still loved you.” He started after a moment. “I finally realized after all these years, I could never stop loving you. No matter how much time that passes between us, it won’t go away.” He stopped and turned me, so we were facing each other. Looking into my eyes he said, “Tell me now, if you love me too, and I will call Maria and end it, right this second.” To prove he was telling the truth, he pulled out his phone and dialed Maria.

I heard her click on the line. “Tell me you love me.” He said into the phone but directing it towards me.

“Nick, stop!” I whisper shouted so Maria could not hear me. He shook his head.

“Tell me you love me.” He repeated. I reached and grabbed his phone, ending the call.

“Nick, I can’t do that to Maria.” I shook my head. “As much of a bitch she is, I’m not.” I said looking into his eyes.

“You don’t love me?” he asked as I saw his heart breaking in his eyes. I knew how much I loved and cared for him, but he’s getting married in 3 freaking months! Maria has already picked out her dress. I was there to help her. I just couldn’t handle the guilt.

Looking down at my feet, I shook my head. “Not like you love me.” I lied, already feeling the tears well up in my eyes. “We’re better off as friends.” My heart broke, along with Nick, but it was better this way.

“Unbelievable.” He mumbled to himself. I looked to see his eyes were red, as he held back his tears.

He turned and started down the beach, leaving me watching his retreating back.

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