Chapter Eighteen

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Hey guys today is another day and I have something to confess.I feel like a terrible author because I haven't thanked you guys for the 9k reads and I would just like to thank you guys for supporting my book, for taking time out of your lives just to read each chapter that I have updated, for voting and for commenting I would like to thank you guys for that. At first I thought I wouldn't get any reads because of how poorly it is written. I don't remember how I started this book but I remember it was a long time ago, sometime during 2015 that I continued writing this. Anyways I would like you guys to check out my other books that I haven't been able to continue because of the lacks of reads. Maybe if you guys read it I might be able to continue them. I love you guys for reading this and that's something I rarely say because I hate saying 'I love you'. But really guys I love that you guys are reading my book thank you.


Amy's POV

After everyone found out that Ashley was my sister it kind of got awkward and everybody was just looking at everybody.

"Soo" I started trying to break the awkward silence. "We have news" I finished

"Yeah we do" said

"Then go on and tell us" Kelly opened her mouth and said and told the kids to come sit

"Well Little Caden is on a role" he said and I slapped his shoulder "oww" he replied

"You didn't have to say that" I told him with a scowl on my face

"And what's that supposed to mean" asked Cale as he sat down with Ashley on the love seat.

"It means I have great swimmers" he said again and this time I punched him hard

"Eww that was disgusting" Hayley said and scrunched up her nose

"And again guys we don't understand" Cale told us

"It means that they're having another baby" replied Hayley

"Is it really true?" This time the question came from Ashley as she looked at me

"Yes it's true" I nodded my head at her

"We're having a fourth child" said Caden

"You hear that kids your mommy and daddy are have another child which means I get to be auntie to another baby" Kelly told the kids smiling.

"Congrats" Ashley said with a sweet smile on her face

"Yeah congrats" the others said

"We have to have a pack meeting tonight at 7pm sharp I'm gonna mind link the rest about it" as soon Caden said that there was a mind link sent out to everyone who is in this territory and our pack.

"I'm so excited for the new baby I can't wait to see who she or he's gonna look like since the twins look more like Amy and Rowan look like Caden" Hayley talks with Kelly and the kids goes and play.

"Babe instead of having a pack meeting why can't we have a dinner instead so I can invite Lauren?"

"Sure thing. Let me send out the memo" he kissed my temple. And after that he goes to talk with Cale

"So how are you doing with this fourth child?"Ashley asked awkwardly

"Well since it just started I have no idea on how it's gonna be" I told her

"How was your other pregnancies?" She asked

"Well with the twins it was easy it was nice and smooth except for the beginning with the morning sickness but after it was over it was a piece of cake." I told her as she had a smile on her face " with Rowan it was like I was pregnant with more then one child because that girl sure was a kicker and she's still is" I laughed and she joined in " and my morning sickness didn't stop until the fourth month and she wouldn't let me sleep. I hope this pregnancy is easy just like when I was pregnant with the twins" I finished and smiled at her and she smiled back

"Can you call Lauren and asked her if her and her family would like to come to dinner tonight?" I asked Ashley

"Of course" she nodded and pulled out her phone "hold on" she told me soon she was having a conversation with Lauren and when the phone call ended she had a frown on her face.

"What did she say? Did she say she's not coming?" And with that thought I had a frown on my face.

"No she did not say that" she quickly assured me it's just that Callie overheard and decided to invite herself along with her family including Elena and her family" and hearing that just made everything worse because I still didn't forgive them I didn't forgive Ashley either but she never did me wrong.

Cliffhanger. How was your vacation? I don't know if I said that right but anyway I was just asking of you enjoyed it if you had fun.

What do you guys think about the names should they be kept or should I change them?

Fact about me: One thing is I don't like texting people first unless you're my close friends or family member other wise you won't be hearing from me. Because it's rare for someone who's not a family member or close friends to get a text or a call from me first.

I'm kind happy to be going back to school and that's something I've never said before but I don't know if it's because I'm gonna be a Sophomore for the first time but OMG I'm gonna be a Sophomore in High School.


Instagram: queen.xo.l

Facebook: Leila Silver


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