Chapter Four

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Amy's pov

It has been three months since I was accepted in the SHADOW GEM PACK. I am one of the top fighters, the pack accept me has their Luna, even though I'm not the luna. Hayley is like my closes friend. We are like BFFs, Kelly and I are close too but not has close has me Hayley are. Cale Is like the little annoying brother that I wish I could choke, but I love him. Caden and I well it's complicated between us. But he is my first kiss. I learned what happened to his mate Sheila. I feel bad but I will never try to replace her, I have been saying that since I found out about her. But she came to my dream and she told me that she 'wants Caden to have a life, to move on and not to think about her and that I could be that person that helps him'. So I told Caden and he didn't talk to me for two weeks but the next week he asked me out. So we've been going out for two and a half months now.

" earth to Amy" Hayley said waving her hands in my face.

" yeah yeah I heard it all" I said. Even though I have no clue what she said.

"What she said" Kelly said. Oh shit think of something really fast. Oh I got it.

" that she think.... Oh that she think she has chicken legs" I said. Hayley glared at me while Kelly is laughing. She's laughing so hard I think she pee on herself too.

"I did not say that, you weren't even paying attention. I said that you should plan on sleeping with Caden in a sexy lingerie" Hayley said. What the hell is she thinking I'm not losing my V card yet unless I am marked, but I could wait.

"who is in a sexy lingerie" Caden said while walking in the living room with a plate of Chinese food in his hands. He came and sat next to me.

" oh no one, but Hayley said this boy asked her to sleep with him and she agreed" I said innocently while looking at Hayley and I swear the look she is giving me could send me to hell. If looks could kill I think I will be deep under ground.

"What? Hayley go to your room and I will deal with you later" Caden commended. Oh I'm really going to die.

"What? She is lying I did not say that, Kelly was here with me the whole time tell them Kelly that Amy is lying" Hayley said staring at Kelly.

" uh did you say something, I think you should wear the lingerie with thong and with the see-through lace bra instead to sleep with Aden" Kelly said so innocently. I tried to stop myself from laughing. But I guess it didn't work because I ended up busting out laughing.

"What? Hayley I want you to go to your room and burn all those shits and you are not sleeping with no boy" Caden shouted at her. She huffed and got up to go upstairs but before she got far she stopped and turned around to look at me.

"Fine but just so you know Amy I'm not going to allow you to sleep with Caden since you asked for my permission" she smirked and walked away. I was sitting there with my mouth wide open and I think my cheeks are red right now.

"What" Caden said looking at me while his cheeks are a tint of pink.

"I said no such thing she is lying, I can't believe she said that" I said embarrassed. Way to go Amy. And Kelly is sitting there laughing at us. There is nothing funny, I should shove a corn dog down her throat.

"Shut up Kelly before I shove a corn dog down your throat" I said at the same time Caden said it. I turned and looked at Caden who turned and looked at me at the same time.

"Jeez you guys planned to say that to me wow I see where the love is coming from" she said sarcastically. And she got up and walked away.

"Caden I did not say none of what she said, don't listen to Hayley" I said really fast. I looked at Caden who just chuckled showing his dimples.

"It's ok but I do wanna sleep with you when you are ready" He said while his cheek are turning pink, Aww he is so cute. Then he turned to his plate of Chinese food.

"I wanna sleep with you to but we just have to wait, now are you gonna share that Chinese food with me because if you don't I'll take it away from you and throw it away?" I said. Feeling really hungry. He took a spoon full of rice and told me to open my mouth and I did then he fed me.

"Ok let's play 20 questions again?" He said

"Ok you go first" I said

"Um ok what was your parents name?" He asked

" Layla and George juergens, what about yours?" I replied while taking another spoon of food.

"It's really funny because both of their names were Taylor and Taylor miller" he said laughing. And I joined in too.

"Ok my turn, um how many girlfriends have you had?" I asked while finishing swallowing my food.

"To be honest I only had you" he said while staring at me. His eyes held honesty. A sexy guy like him didn't get any girlfriends. I guess he was waiting for his mate.

"Ok your turn" I replied while putting a hand in my stomach feeling full after eating almost all his food.

"How many kids do you wanna have?" He asked me.
"Umm I want to have 4 kids or 5 I don't know, what about you?" I said

"Oh me I always wanted to have 5 kids but mostly 3 girls and 2 boys" he said. "Ok your turn" he added.

"Ok umm I can't come up with a question" I said being the stupid the person I am.

"it's ok I'll just go, ok umm... Can.... Can I mark you?" he said the last part really fast. Omg what am I suppose to say. Am I ready yet, I mean I already love him but am I ready yet. Ok I know what to say.

" yes" I said and my wolf howled a howl of happiness.


Caden marked me and I felt great. I felt like he was my other half. I was now looking at my mark in the mirror. It's a black wolf and a white wolf with a heart around it and vines of flowers going down my side. If you look close the flowers are actually words which say 'forever and always'. Then went back to Caden's bed and lay right beside him.

"I love you Amy, I'm serious you are the first girl I ever loved ever since my mate died" Caden said to me in a loving tone. Do I love him? Of course.

"I love you too Caden" I said while dozing of to sleep

Caden's POV

There is a feeling I feel when I am with Amy. It's the same feeling I felt when I first met Sheila. I think she is my second chance mate. I heard of stories before about second chance mates. I wish she is because I really do love her and I don't want to let her go. I stared at her while she is sleeping. She is very beautiful, soon I want her to carry my pups. I wanna see mini us running around the house.

'Hey haven't heard from you in a while' I said to my wolf Jacob who have been blocking me out of its mind.

'Yeah just having a bonding time with Emma' he replied.

'Oh do think it is alright if I marked Amy' I asked him

' Are you kidding me, of course it is I know you love her, and I love her wolf Emma they both are awesome and besides she is our second chance mate' he said.

'Ok talk to you later' I said then cut off our mind link.

Then I went back to staring to staring at my beautiful mate. Thank the moon goddess I'm happy she gave me a second chance mate, and really gorgeous one. 'I love you Amy Leila juergens' I said then I fell asleep.

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