Chapter Five

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8 months later

Amy's POV

Eight months have passed since Caden marked me. And it have been two months since we mated. And I have been really sick everyday. I think I have the flu, but it couldn't be possible because it's in the middle of the summer for god sake. Caden have been telling me to go to the doctor but I never did but today I'm going because I can't take it no more. So I got from the toilet and took of my clothes and went inside the shower. Then I got out and wrap a towel around my body then brush my teeth. Then I got out of the bathroom and went to mine and Caden's closet and picked a nice white blouse and purple shorts and for shoes I picked a black sandal. Then I did a fish tail to the side with my hair. Then I left for the doctors.

When I got there I went to the front desk lady and told her my name. She said the doctor is going to call me soon. I waited for 10 minutes before a women with long black hair came out. At then I knew it was the pack's doctor. Dr. Easton

"Luna Amy you can come in now" she said. Oh I forgot to tell ya I'm their new luna now Excited right. I followed her to a big private white room. She told me to sit .

"So Luna what have brought you here today" Dr. Easton said.

"Well I have been sick for the past eight weeks, I thought it was the flu but then I was like its in the middle of the summer of course it's not the flu then Caden told me to come to the doctor and here I am" I replied with a smile on my face. The she took out a cup and gave it to me.

"Here Luna can you pee in this cup and bring it back please" she said while sitting in her chair.

"Ok" I said then I got up and went to a door that I saw which I assume is the bathroom. I got in and peed in the cup, and I washed my hands then got out and handed the cup to her.

"Thank you wait here and I will be back with your result" she said and left the room. I waited here for like 30 minutes until she came back with a big smile on her face. Ok that smile is way to big, it's a little to big for a petite woman like her.

"Luna I have some great news for you" she said really excited.

"Ok" I said with unsurely smile.

"Well you are two months pregnant" she said.

"Oh thank god I am fin- wait did you say two months pregnant." I said

"Yes if you want I can take a sonography for you" she said. She was serious. Oh my gosh I am so excited I wonder if Caden is going to be excited.

"Yes please" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Ok then if you can please go lay over there" she said pointing to one of those bed chair thingy. So I went and lie down on it. "This going to be a little cold" she said then took a thing which I have no idea what it is, and squeezed it on my stomach. Has soon has she roll the thingy over my stomach I could already hear the heart beat of my baby. Then tears start to fall out of eyes.

"There's your babies" she said smiling. Wait did she say babies. Aww I'm going to cry even more.

"Did you say babies" I asked her while sobbing
"Yeah there's baby A" she said pointing at the screen where baby A is I assume "and there's baby B" she said pointing to baby B.

"Thank you very much can I get some pictures" I asked while wiping the cold shit of my stomach. I'm going to need a lot. I'm gonna need one for Hayley, Kelly, Cale, Caden, and three for myself.

"Of course how many do you need" she ask while getting up.

"I'm gonna need seven please" I said while getting of that chair bed thingy. Then she handed me the pictures.

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