1- Sand and Confusion

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I heard my name, once, and then once more. It sounded close to me, almost proving it was directed to me, and so I turned in the direction of it and saw a boy no older than me. He was standing some feet away wearing a full smile on his lips that lifted his whole face and eyes that were shining so bright from a mix of hope and victory; I thought they might burn through me.

They hadn't.

Instead of burning, they burnt out and everything about him seemed to fall. He was hurt, a concept I was familiar with in looks and most meanings, but he was hurt in a way I couldn't quite grasp onto. He made it seem as if I had stabbed him or something and I reached out to him, feeling his pain; a mirror of it.

There was something about him that led me to believe that he was leaving something out, keeping something to himself, and I could only swear it was familiarity. I don't know how but he looked as if I've seen him before, and hugging him, being as close as I was to him, it felt as if I was me again; home. His voice and his name kept rattling around in my head and nothing else came with it; his pain only growing larger as he forced himself to turn and walk away.

I watched him as he went, thinking of something to say and waiting for some inner connection with him, but even then, he never turned back around. He stopped, and I had waited to see his face once more, but he had only bent over to bury something made of glass within the beaches sand.

Knowing he wasn't going to turn around to face me, I went to retrieve it. When I got to the place he was only seconds, maybe minutes before, I grab the glass object. It was a small glass bottle filled with the same sand I stand on and a rolled up piece of paper; a cork holding everything in it's place.

In anticipation, I open it and fish out the note, opening it to see words written in my very own penmanship.

'Here is the deal... my love for you rests within this glass. Inside holds air to represent my last breath and sand for my burial. For when I die, my love for you will remain for until this letter fades from olden age; only then will I be able to hold you again.

I love you to the end of time.'

I love him?

I love him!

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