8- As Normal As Normal Gets

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Today is technically my first day back and I slip outside to get the word out and done with as I walk the whole length of my little hometown. Along the way, I ran from person to person and for a while, I'd allow myself to talk before leaving to move on with my journey. In the end of my journey, everyone was relieved and at peace and I kept walking as I had one more thing on my list to do; my last stop being his house. I know on his door and when he opens it, he isn't surprised to see me as he expected to see me. I smile and without a word, lead him our of the house and down numerous streets until we make it to a small, public park when I stop to stand in front of a lonesome tree.

"What are we doing?" He asks curiously. His voice, yet full of laughter, doesn't persuade me to give in. Instead i make a zipping motion over my lips and reach into my bag to pull out my camera; handing it to him. He takes it with caution and does nothing more than hold it. Finally I sigh; giving in.

"I want you to take a picture of me." I say and feel a warm blush creep over my cheeks. "I mean, when I was gone, I was so blind to beauty and once you came, I felt like everything and everyone was to be beautiful in their own way. I feel like I can be beautiful." I look up at him shyly and all he does is give me a geeky smile and turn the camera on.

I back up, nearer to the tree and strike a pose; smiling. He clicks down on the camera, taking the shot, and just under his breath, does he say: "Oh my god! It's terrible!" I laugh now and step out of position to reach for him. In doing so, he presses down on the camera again, a clicking noise sounding as this time, the photo was really taken. When I reach him I swat him on the arm and peer at the camera. I look at the photo he's taken of me, my mouth in a wide and slightly open smile as I had laughed; my eyes slightly squinted; hair put of place; cheeks red; hands stretched out as if I was to touch the camera lense.

"Why did you do yhay!" I say almost angrily. He only smiles wider and takes a strand of my loose hair to place back behind my ear.

"Because no one is picture perfect and I like you better this way." I raise an eyebrow as he strokes my right cheek.

"Just like what?" I ask; honestly confused. He laughs now.

"Free and reckless, of course." I swat at him again and he just stares into my eyes and leans down to kiss me. At that very moment, he had put all of his love into that kiss, and melting, I reached for the camera, aiming it at us and clicking down as the clicking notice sounds; catching the moment.

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