Chapter 1- The Beginning of the End

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Author's Note: Hiiiii guys, so I was originally writing a Tay and Kellin story, but I kind of gave up on that. Sooo, here's my second try! Hope this goes a lot better. I want to thank my friend Hunter for giving me the idea for this story, and I think that's all I have to say? So, yeah, happy reading. (:

"Everything's going to be fine, Victor."

"I believe in you, big bro."

"We'll always be here for you, Vic."

"Friends 'til the end, right?"

The words ran through Vic's head at least a thousand times as he drove toward the hospital. At least six people offered to drive him there, but he wouldn't take their offers.

It just wasn't fair.

One day, he was with his brother and best friends, touring the world and making music. Then he got sick.

"You have acute myeloid leukemia."

"Excuse me?"

"It's a form of cancer."

Vic shuttered at the memory. It wasn't even long ago, not even a month had passed yet; it felt like ages ago, but he could remember it as if it were yesterday. It was sad.

He wanted the chemo, he really did, but he knew that if he really didn't want it, everyone he loved would make him get it. The news broke their hearts. But the worst person to break the news to was his brother, Mike. He actually laughed at first.

"That's a sick joke."

"I wish it was."

It wasn't that Vic was scared or anything, because he honestly wasn't. In fact, his friends and family were more scared than anything. It was just the fact that his life was going to become so dull and lonely, right before it could possibly end. Hospitals were so depressing and cold. Why would anyone wanna spend the last moments of their lives in one?

"To fight for their lives," his Australian best friend, Jenna, had told him after he explained how he felt about the situation to her. He felt her response was the most depressing part.

He finally arrived to Scripps Mercy Hospital, and he managed to pull his suitcase into the large hospital and reach the front desk without hurting anyone, including himself. He was greeted by a dull looking young woman who was sitting in front of a computer behind the desk. "Your name please?" The woman spoke, her eyes not even leaving the computer screen. The male sighed lightly, then replied, "Victor Fuentes." There was a moment of silence, then the woman typed in his name, watching as something popped up. She finally looked at Vic after that, and she managed to give him a small smile. "Let me find someone to show you to your room."

Vic nodded and watched as the woman stood up and walked away from the desk. As he waited silently, he took a good look at his surroundings. It wasn't as bad as he imagined; there were windows on every wall, and the sunlight seemed to make everything much brighter. People were walking around casually, as if they weren't even in a hospital at all, and that made Vic feel a little sick. However, his thoughts were suddenly cut off when he heard a voice beside him. "Are you Vic Fuentes?"

Vic sighed to himself, figuring it was a random Pierce the Veil fan who happened to be at the same hospital as him at the same time. He honestly wasn't in the mood to talk to a fan. Finding out he had cancer made him a little angry, which definitely wasn't like him.

Obviously, the other person noticed he wasn't in the mood, and they added quickly. "I didn't mean to like, bother you or anything. I was told I need to show you around and take you to your room." Vic finally looked at the male beside him after that, and he managed to nod his head. He grabbed his suitcase and was about to start walking, until he was stopped. "Don't worry, I can take it." The younger male took Vic's bag, then he began to walk down a hall, with Vic following close behind.

"I'm Justin, by the way. Justin Hills."

"You look a little young to be working in a hospital."

"Oh, I don't work here, I'm volunteering. I'm a senior, so I need to finish up my community service hours."

Vic chuckled softly. The boy seemed very happy, considering he was volunteering at a hospital, but was a little comforting. Maybe Vic would talk to him while staying there. 

"I don't mean to be rude or anything," Justin spoke as they stepped in front of an elevator. He pressed the button with a number four on it, then he continued. "But, I'm guessing by the weight of your bag that you'll be staying here for awhile. And, I'm a pretty big fan of Pierce the Veil, so I'm just curious. What exactly are you doing here?"

He didn't know.

Vic's eyes widened, and he felt a lump form in his throat. He wanted to be honest with the kid, tell him about how he recently found out he had cancer, and he was staying at the hospital to hopefully get better, but there was one thing that was holding him back from the truth.

I'm a pretty big fan of Pierce the Veil.

He didn't want to break the kid's heart, but he didn't want to lie, either. So, he decided to just stick with the next possible thing to say. "You'll find out. Don't worry."

The doors to the elevator opened, and Vic stepped inside with Justin. It was silent throughout the entire elevator ride, which seemed to be taking forever, but Justin finally spoke as they stepped out. "So, I was supposed to give you some kind of tour, but it's obvious that you want some time to yourself. I'll just, show you your room over here." He was glad Justin didn't question Vic after what he said; obviously the kid was smart.

It didn't take them long to get to Vic's room, and when they reached it, he stopped in front of it for a moment. This would be the room Vic might possibly spend the last moments of his life in. The sign next to the door read 'Patients room', with a big 436 underneath it.

"You can, go in there, you know.." Justin trailed off hesitently, and Vic took a deep breath. "Thanks, I can take it from here." He faced Justin and reached his arm out to grab his suitcase, and Justin handed it to him. However, as Vic opened the door and started to walk into the room, Justin spoke. "Oh! I forgot! There's some schedule thing that's laying on your bed. They told me to tell you to look at it. Well, uh, hope to see you later, Vic! Wait, did that sound weird, since you're in a hospital..? Never mind, uh, bye then!"

Vic watched the boy walk back over to the elevator, then he walked into his room, his suitcase in his hands. He shut the door behind him and plopped his suitcase down on the end of the bed, then saw a piece of paper resting on a pillow. He walked over and picked up the paper, reading it carefully:

8 a.m: Breakfast

9:15 a.m: Meds

10 a.m: Group Therapy

12 p.m: Lunch

2 p.m: Chemo

6 p.m: Dinner

10 p.m: Lights Out

Visiting hours are during lunch and from 7 p.m to 9 p.m. Other visiting arrangments can also be made with patient's requests.

Vic sighed heavily and plopped onto the bed. It was strange how he even had responsiblilities in a hospital.

In Fate's Hands- A Vic Fuentes and Tay Jardine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now