Chapter 4

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Author's note: So this chapter is kind of a filler, idk. I got an idea on what exactly is going to happen in the end, and now I'm extremely excited!! So, here's chapter 4!

What sucked about hanging out with Tay at lunch was that it made time seem to go extremely fast. It was suddenly 1:45, which meant he had a chemo meeting in fifteen minutes. He really hated this hospital.

He quickly left his room and headed to the elevator, except this time, he he went to the one opposite of the hallway, passing Tay's room on the way.

It was weird that he was suddenly starting to like Tay, even though he had just met her. There was something about her that caught his attention; maybe it was the fact that she was also in a band, or maybe it was just her in general. She was honestly beautiful, and she seemed like a person who would just go with the flow. Usually, Vic was like that, too. Cancer really could change a person.

He found it a little odd, however, that she still hadn't lost her hair after being there for so long. Sure, she was wearing a bandana that covered most of her hair, but she wasn't completely bald. As he stood in the elevator, he thought about what she looked like without the bandana. She was probably beautiful either way.

The elevator door opened, and Vic suddenly felt nervous. He specifically asked the front desk woman to not call any of his family to come into the meeting with him, even though they highly recommended it. He just wasn't ready to talk about his illness with the one's he loved.

He began walking to the room he needed to get to, but he was interupted by a familiar voice. "Hey, Vic!"

Vic stopped walking, and he turned around, seeing Justin almost jogging up to him, a  big smile on his face. Vic smiled at him, then spoke, "What's up?"

Justin's smile grew bigger, then he spoke, "I see you're in a better mood. Starting to get used to this place?"

Vic shrugged, then he nodded. "I guess so. Did you need something?"

"Well, my job here is to help patients with what they need. So, I was wondering if you knew where you were going."

"I'm trying to find room 162."

"I'll show you there!"


Justin stepped in front of Vic and began walking down the long hallway, with Vic following right behind him. They were quiet for a moment, which Vic didn't mind. Then, however, Justin broke the silence. "Made any friends yet?"

"Actually, yeah."

"Really?! Who?" He sounded excited.

"A girl named Tay. You know her?"

Justin stopped walking and looked at Vic with his eyebrows narrowed. Vic narrowed his eyebrows back, then he spoke, "What?"

"Taylor, the one with cancer?"

Vic gulped slightly, then he nodded. Justin didn't speak for a moment, then he continued to walk. Vic followed behind again, and they stayed silent.

Why was Justin so concerned about him being friends with Tay? They had a lot in common so far, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with her. Besides the cancer, of course.

"You never told me why you're staying here."

Vic looked at Justin as he said that, then he shook his head. "It's nothing, dude."

"Doesn't seem like nothing."

"Well it is."

After what seemed like forever, they finally reached the room that Vic needed to get to. Vic thanked Justin quietly, then he entered the room.


"How've you been, bro?"

"Been fine."

"When can I visit?"

"Any day, actually. As long as it's during visiting hours. I don't know why you'd wanna visit, though."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's just, really boring here."

Mike sighed on the other side of the phone, causing Vic to roll his eyes, even though Mike couldn't see it. This was the first time he had talked to his little brother in days, so it was a little nice, despite the way he was acting. He looked at the clock and saw what time it was, then he spoke. "Hey, I've gotta let you go. I'll call you later?"

"You better. You haven't been keeping any of us updated. You're worrying all of us."

"Yeah, yeah. I love you, Mike."

"Love you too, Vic."

Vic hung up his cellphone, then he grabbed the hospital phone. He dialed 1, then the room number that belonged to Tay. He had almost forgotten to call her.

It rang a few times, but then it went to a message saying the number was not available at the moment. Vic sighed to himself, then he hung up the phone. He could recall her saying that he could just stop by, but should he actually do it?

His boredom took over, so he decided why not.

He got out of his hospital bed and stuck his phone in his pocket, then he walked out of his room and toward Tay's. He was there in a matter of minutes, but when he got to her door, he felt a little bad. What if he woke her up? What if she was in the middle of changing? What if she wasn't even there?

He knocked once, then waited a moment. When he got no response, he slowly opened up the door, peaking his head in slightly. When he saw Tay sleeping silently in her hospital bed, he couldn't help but smile to himself.

He took a step so he was inside the room, keeping the door open, and he looked at the female. Her bandana was laying on the table beside her bed, and her hair was messily covering part of her face. Her hair was very thin, and it looked like clumps had fallen out onto her pillow, but Vic still thought she looked adorable.

He found a notepad on her table and a pen, and he left a note saying, "Text me when you wake up." With his number and name underneath it. He sat the notepad closer to her bed, then he glanced at her for one last moment. As he walked out the door, he slowly shut the door behind him.

"What are you doing?!" He heard Justin's voice yell nearby, and he nearly jumped out of his skin. Justin ran up to Tay's room and stood in front of Vic, and as he opened his mouth to speak, Vic shushed him.

"Don't be so loud. Tay's sleeping." He whispered softly, glaring at Justin. Justin gave him a weird look, then he spoke quietly. "Someone likes her."

And he did. A lot.

In Fate's Hands- A Vic Fuentes and Tay Jardine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now