Chapter 5

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Author's Note: Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in like forever, I've been really busy with school and finals and stuff. But this week is my last week of school and then two weeks off, so hopefully I'll update a lot in that time period. I'm gonna make this story finally get interesting, and cute, so here's chapter 5!

It was when Vic was starting to fall asleep when Tay finally texted him. It was past time for lights to be out, and Vic was half asleep, but the female's text made the male smirk.

Snuck into my room while I was sleeping? Creep. -Tay

He chuckled at the girl's words, then he responded with a simple, You looked cute, so it's okay, right?

They both had iPhones, so he saw that she was typing back as soon as he sent it. Her response made it obvious that he ignored his comment: Wanna do something? Maybe sneak around the hospital? He narrowed his eyebrows, then responded. Can't we get in trouble? It's past curfew.

So? Was all she replied, causing Vic to grin. Without texting her back, he quickly stood up and changed into his normal clothes, then he quietly walked out of his room. He made sure he was extra quiet as he walked down the dark hallway, then when he got to her room, he knocked once and peaked his head inside. However, when he peaked his head inside, he saw Tay in her bra, in the middle of changing her shirt, and he quickly shut the door again, a small blush forming on his cheeks. She hadn't noticed that he had opened the door, however, so he just decided not to say anything to her.

After a moment of waiting, Tay opened the door and smiled at Vic. She had her bandana on again, and Vic smirked slightly. She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind him, and she spoke softly.

"So, since you're new here, it's obvious that you don't know what goes on. I, on the other hand, know how to sneak around this place and pretty much know every inch of this hospital. I know the perfect place we could go."

She slid on a jacket, and Vic narrowed his eyebrows. Usually, it was cold in the hospital during the day, but at night they seemed to heat up the entire place, which was strange in Vic's eyes. Once she slid her jacket on, she tossed the blanket to her bed to Vic, and he quickly caught it. He opened his mouth to question her, but she shushed him before he could speak.

She hesitantly opened the door to her room, peaking her head out and looking around the hallway to make sure there was no one out there. When she saw it was empty, she stepped out of her room and motioned Vic to come out there. He followed her out and shut the door behind him slowly, and by the time it was shut, Tay was already almost to the elevator. Vic ran quietly up to Tay and she pressed the up button to the elevator. When the doors opened, she stepped inside and Vic stepped inside with her. The doors shut, and she pressed the highest number on the buttons, causing Vic to look at her in confusion.

"What if someone that works here was in the elevator?" Vic asked curiously, looking down at the girl beside her. She laughed and shook her head. "That's never happened to me before, so I doubt it will happen. It's really late, anyway."

Vic shrugged his shoulders, and then there was a moment of silence. When the elevator door opened, Vic looked at Tay and he spoke again. "What exactly are we doing?"

"You'll see." Tay responded with a grin. They both exited the elevator, and Tay once again looked around to make sure no one was there. Then she walked down the hallways and Vic followed close behind. She found a specific door and quickly walked inside, motioning Vic to quickly follow so they wouldn't get caught. Once he was in the room, Tay walked over to where a ladder was against the wall, leading up to the ceiling and a square door.

"Wait here a moment, and when I get to the top, toss me the blanket." Tay spoke, then starting to clumb up the ladder. When she opened it up, a gust of cold wind blew and made Vic's hair fly around everywhere. She got off the ladder and sat at the edge of the square opening, her legs dangling, and she held her arms out for the blanket. He tossed her the blanket, then he slowly climbed up the ladder. When he got off the ladder and stood up, he saw that they were on the roof of the hospital. He was about to close the square door, until Tay stopped him.

"Don't do that. It locks from the outside."

He nodded his head, then he looked around, a huge smile forming on his lips. Tay laughed lightly and she spoke, "You like it?"

"This is amazing! How'd you find this place?"

"Being here as long as I've been here, I've learned a lot about this place. There's an easier way to get here, but it's probably easier to get caught that way." She pointed over to where another door was, on the other side of the roof, and she shrugged. "I don't know, I get bored easily. Plus, I'm always awake at night, so sometimes I just come here."

She walked closer to the edge of the roof so they could see the street, and she sat the blanket down, sitting down and patting the empty spot beside her. Vic sat down beside the girl, and she scooted close to him.

"Well, I promised you stories, so I'll give you stories."

"It's fine, you don't have to." Vic spoke, looking down at her. He was interested, but he didn't wanna force her to speak. The silence was nice, anyway.

"Are you sure?" She responded, looking at Vic. He smiled and nodded his head, causing her to just rest her head on his shoulder. They were watching all the cars driving past the hospital.

"Thanks." Vic spoke in a sleepy voice, looking at Tay again. She smiled as she noticed how tired he was, and she responded. "No problem."

"We should do this more often."

"I'd love that."

Vic gave Tay a huge smile, then he looked down at the cars again. He then dozed off for a little bit, but Tay was perfectly okay with that. They were both happy.

In Fate's Hands- A Vic Fuentes and Tay Jardine FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang