Chapter 2

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The next day had arrived quicker than he expected, but Vic just wasn't ready.

He had shown up mid afternoon the day before, so he really didn't do much when he got there. He walked around for a bit, trying to get used to his surroundings, and he went to bed very early. Nothing was really the same anymore.

A nurse came in and woke him up, and he groaned in response; he hated getting woken up. He liked to wake up himself, because that made him feel like he got enough sleep. He changed into a clean pair of clothes, then he went down to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. He was in a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black t shirt; he wanted to wear normal clothes as much as possible, before he'd have to start wearing hospital gowns. He shuttered at the thought, then he grabbed a tray.

All the food that was out looked so bland and, gross, and Vic felt sick just by looking at it. He stuck with a small plate of eggs, then he sat down at a small table by himself. He slowly picked at his food, then he began to stare around at the other people that were in the cafeteria. There were mostly doctors, but there were also some patients and visitors. They all acted so casual, as if staying in a hospital was normal. It made Vic grimace. It was going to be a long stay.

He ate about half of his eggs, then he tossed them in the trash and walked out of the cafeteria. As he walked toward the elevator, he glanced at a nearby clock hanging on a wall, and it read 9:06. He was supposed to take meds at 9:15, but since his chemo hadn't started yet, he knew he didn't have any yet.  However, he did go to the front desk to ask a question.

Instead of the woman he saw the day before, there was an older lady, with her short gray hair in a small bun. He walked up to the desk and he stuck his hands in his pockets, and the woman looked at him and gave him a small smile. "What can I help you with?"

He forced a smile back, then he responded, "Uh, I just had a quick question. I'm a new patient here, and my schedule says there's a group therapy at 10? I was wondering if I'm supposed to go, even though my chemo hasn't started.."

He didn't finish his sentence after he realized he had mentioned his chemo. The word felt like acid on his tongue, and it just made him uncomfortable in general. The whole cancer situation was just making him a new person, but not in a good way.

He was pulled away from his thoughts when the older woman responded. "Doctor's want their patients to go to the group therapy, and regular therapy, as much as they can, even as a new patient." The woman glanced at her computer screen for a moment, then she looked at Vic. "Besides, it'll be a way to meet people." She gave him a small smile. "Anything else?"

He didn't speak for a moment, then he shook his head. "Nope. Thank you."

Then he walked away from the desk, sighing to himself. He felt like a child in this hospital, and he honestly didn't like it.

He had nothing else to do for the next fourty-five minutes, so he decided he'd walk around the hospital for a little bit, then wait in front of the room where the group therapy was being held.

When he found the room he was looking for, it was only 9:30, but shockingly, he wasn't the only person waiting there. A girl that looked about his age was sitting in a chair outside the room, her legs crossed as she stared around the hospital. She had short, wavy black hair, and a bandana covered the top of her head. Vic considered sitting in the empty seat beside her, but he instead just leaned against the wall on the other side of the the room, sighing to himself.

"Who are you?" The female spoke about a minute later, and Vic looked at her. She looked exhausted, but she didn't look miserable or anything. Vic paused for a moment, then responded. "I'm Vic. Why?"

The girl narrowed her eyebrows at Vic as he asked why, then she shrugged. "I"m just wondering. I've never seen you before."

"I just got here yesterday."

"That's fun."

"Not really."

The girl sighed to herself, then Vic narrowed his eyebrows at her. "What?"

"I'm just trying to be friendly, dude."

Vic didn't respond after that, suddenly feeling bad. He knew she was trying to be friendly, and he would have been friendly, too. It bummed him out that he was suddenly so bitter. He considered apologizing to the girl, but he decided it wouldn't make a difference.

The therapy session finally started, and there weren't as many people as Vic had expected. In the room, there was a circle of chairs, and Vic decided to take a spot that no one was really sitting at. A doctor sat in a rolling chair, while patients came in and sat in the other metal folding chairs.

There were six other patients that were in there with Vic, and he looked at each and every one of them carefully. They were all older looking, besides the one girl that he had talked to before, but he had a feeling that's how it was going to be. He was pretty young for having cancer.

"Before we begin for today, I'd like everyone to say hello to our newest patient, Victor." The doctor suddenly spoke, causing Vic to bite down on his bottom lip. Everyone looked at Vic and they all smiled at him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"I, uh, I go by Vic."

"That's like how Taylor is." One of the women spoke, glancing over at the girl that was the same age as Vic. "She goes by Tay. Is that just something younger people do?"

The girl, who's name was apparently Tay, rolled her eyes, but she slightly smiled. "It's just easier to say, I don't know."

Vic nodded his head in agreement at her statement, and a man who looked a little older than Vic spoke, "How old are ya, Vic? You look pretty young."

"I'm thirty."

"Just a little older than Tay! Wow!" The woman spoke again, causing Tay to shake her head. The doctor chuckled, then he spoke. "So, Vic, how do you like it here so far?"

"It's, alright, I guess." He lied, shrugging his shoulders. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he was slightly leaning in his chair. He always sat in weird positions; it was hard for him to get comfortable sometimes.

"What did you do before you came here?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're job?"

"Oh, right." Vic responded, clearing his throat awkwardly. He sat up in his seat slightly, then he responded. "I'm uh, in a band. Pierce the Veil. I'm the singer."

"Band, huh?" Tay responded, her lips forming into a small smile. "I'm in a band, too. Well, I was. We Are the In Crowd."

Vic raised his eyebrows slightly at her, then he responded. "Oh, really? How'd that work out?"

"Pretty well, until I found out about my cancer."

Suddenly, a lump formed in Vic's throat, and he felt his heartbeat start to increase. Did that mean his band would have to end, too? That couldn't possibly happen; he couldn't do that to the guys. He had to go back.


The therapy session dragged on, mostly just other patients, and sometimes the doctor, throwing questions at him, then it was suddenly time to go.

"It was nice meeting you," The others said to Vic, and he waved to them as he stood up. Tay walked out of the room, and Vic quickly followed behind her. "Hey, wait up!"

Tay turned around, and she narrowed her eyebrows at Vic. "Thought you didn't wanna be friendly." It wasn't a question.

"It was rude of me. I'm sorry. Do you, uh, wanna hang out with me at lunch? It'd be cool to get to know you."

"Yeah, sure."

And then she walked away, leaving Vic to sigh in relief; maybe she could help him out, since it seemed like they had a lot in common.

In Fate's Hands- A Vic Fuentes and Tay Jardine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now