Chapter 3

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Author's note: So I hope everyone's liking the story?? I'm getting a lot more reads than I expected, but anyway, I know the first two chapters have kinda been blah, so hopefully it will get more and more interesting. This chapter is kinda a filler, though, and it kinda sucks. But, I'm really excited to continue this. (: Here's chapter 3!

It was finally time for lunch, and Vic was more than excited. It was strange feeling to go from grumpy to excited in a matter of minutes, but Vic was okay with that. He wanted to be happy in the hospital.

He walked inside the cafeteria, and he instantly found the girl. She was sitting by herself, eating something that honestly didn't look that good. Instead of grabbing some food, Vic went straight to the table Tay was at, sitting across from her and making her jump slightly.

"Hey." He spoke in a happy tone, smiling at the girl. She smiled back at him, then spoke. "Someone's in a better mood, I see."


"Where's your food?"

"Oh, I'm not hungry."

The glare that Tay gave Vic made him narrow his eyebrows. Did he do something wrong?

"Dude, you have to eat."

"You sound like my mother."

Instead of responding, Tay slid her tray of food over to him. He looked down at the plate, and he felt his stomach churn; it was a half eaten sandwich and some mac and cheese, but it all just looked so, gross.

"I can't take your food."

"You have to eat."


Tay rolled her eyes, leaning back in her seat slightly. "You're a cancer patient, and food keeps you strong and healthy. You can't afford to get more sick than you already are."

He didn't want to admit it, but he knew she was right. He took a deep breath, then he responded. "But, this is your food."

"I'm done anyway. I've lost my appetite lately; I can only eat a little at a time."

Vic hesitated, then he slowly nodded his head. He felt bad, but he could tell by the look she was giving him that she wanted him to eat it. He grabbed the half eaten sandwich and took a bite, grimacing instantly. It was baloney and cheese, but it tasted terrible. He didn't want to be rude, but he honestly couldn't eat it. He managed to swallow the bite, then he put the sandwich back on the table.

"That's disgusting."

"The more you eat here, the more you get used to it."

He sighed heavily, then he looked the girl up and down. At first glance, you wouldn't really notice she was sick, but the more he looked at her, the more he could tell. Her skin was very pale, and she was extremely skinny. Plus, she just looked exhausted.

"How long have you been here?"

She paused for a moment, scrunching her nose as she thought about it. It was obvious it had been awhile, since she actually had to think about it.

"I think around six months."

His eyes widened at her words, and he felt himself get a little sick; the sandwich probably didn't help, either.

"That long?"

"Well, yeah. It's cancer, you know."

He hated how Tay talked about their illness so casually, as if it were a normal thing. It made him a little annoyed, but he figured he'd probably get used to it eventually, just like she did.

"I don't mean to be rude, but what kind of-"

"It's not rude," She interrupted before he could finish, "I was actually going to ask you the same thing."


"I have Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia."

"Acute Myeloid Leukemia."


"How so?"

Tay just shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. Vic then shrugged also, picking up the fork on the tray and starting to play with the mac and cheese.

"Tell me about you, Vic."


"Like, your band and stuff. I'm interested."

Vic smiled, then he looked at Tay.

"My band is called Pierce the Veil, and I sing and play guitar. My younger brother is the drummer, and our best friends play guitar and bass. We're about to release a documentary, actually."

"Sounds awesome."

"What about yours?"

Tay raised her eyebrows slightly, as if surprised that he had asked about hers. He chuckled lightly, then she smiled. "I only sing in the band, but I do know how to play guitar. We all ended it after we heard the news, though. Not at first, but after a month or two."

"You didn't start treatment as soon as you found out?"

"Of course not. I didn't need to. Gave me time to think."


"When did you find out?"

"Like, two or three weeks ago."

Tay frowned slightly, feeling bad for Vic. It seemed like he was struggling with the whole situation, but she definitely knew the feeling.

"I think it was for the best though. When I found out, the other singer, Jordan, stopped smoking."

"Two singers in your band?"


"Sounds interesting. I'll look you guys up."


"I'd tell you some cool stories and stuff, but I'm actually really tired. Wanna talk later?"

Vic frowned, but he nodded his head. He had to give the girl some space; they were both sick, after all.

"That'd be awesome."

She stood up and started to walk away, then Vic spoke. "Hey, wait up."

She turned around and looked at him with a confused expression, and he walked up beside her. "I'll walk you to your room real quick."

She smiled at him, then shrugged, deciding to go along with it. They walked out of the cafeteria and to the elevator, and Tay pressed the button to go up. When the elevator opened up, a nurse exited while rolling a younger kid in a wheelchair. Once they got in the elevator, Tay pressed the number four, and the elevator slowly began to go up. They were both silent, but Vic figured it was because she was tired.

They got to the fourth floor, and the two began walking down the long hall of rooms. They walked right past Vic's room, but he stayed silent. When they finally came to a stop, Vic looked at Tay's room number; room 459. It wasn't too far from his, but it was a little farther down, and on the opposite side of the hall. He looked at Tay, and she slightly smiled at him.

"You can come over a little later and I can tell you my stories, if you want. I just, really need a nap."

"It's all good. Want me to call your room in a few hours?"

"Sure thing. Or you can just stop by."

"I wouldn't want to be rude."

"You wouldn't be."

He chuckled, then she waved and walked into her room and shut the door. He wished she didn't have to go, but he wanted her to get her rest.

He was already starting to like her.

In Fate's Hands- A Vic Fuentes and Tay Jardine FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang