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Many sets of eyes turned to look at me as I sauntered into the room – none of which was my father, seeing as he hadn’t arrived yet. The initiates and other lower ranking members of our faction were here already, each and every one mingling in the boundaries of the arena part of the coliseum – though there was a few up in the seating area. As I gazed around the large space I estimated that it currently held somewhere near forty men – quite impressive, considering the situation we shared. They were still staring at me; no doubt wondering what I was doing there dressed as I was – and considering the fact that I had used the main entrance, rather than the one used by the other girls.

I ignored them, knowing father would not approve of me meeting their gazes no matter how “special” I was. I kept my gaze levelled on the floor and made my way around the side of the room – to the second entrance. This may have been a social event for the men, but for me it was more work. The girls were there to serve; food and drinks… and anything else the men fancied at any given moment. This lot wasn’t opposed to public sex, and it seemed the festivities had already started, judging from the sounds coming to the right of me. I determinedly did not turn to look – that was not something that concerned me. The girl wasn’t screaming, so my interference was not needed, whether or not she would debate that fact if she could, I didn’t care.

The door where I was headed opened to a fairly straight-forward path to the kitchen and back. Well, it was simple enough that the girls could find their way after only being shown once. There was no chance for them to escape on this path – all other doors just led to rooms with no windows. We were too deep underground at this point for that to be possible. The coliseum area itself had been a lucky find many years ago – my father’s men had stumbled across a large cave system by sheer luck, and father had decided to utilize it for his purpose. It had taken three years to complete, even after setting aside all other projects in the meantime, but it was father’s pride and joy; a room that he could use for so many different purposes.

There was maybe a half dozen girls circulating the room with their trays already, wearing skimpy pieces of see-through material that couldn’t realistically be called clothes. But then, in a mostly sex-based society where males were the dominant species, it was what was to be expected in terms of clothing. At least the girls were not also forced to wear high heels today, as they sometimes were. It seemed that instead they had been requested to keep their feet bare – a little strange, but if that was the way father wanted it, that’s what he got. I exited the far door and may my way down to the kitchen, to see what was keeping the other girls; my father would be making his entrance soon, and everything had to be in order before he arrived – or else.

I found them gathered around the island of benches in the kitchen, loading their trays with finger food and spirits. They looked up at my entrance, a range of emotions on their faces – none of them good. So much for the progress I’d been making with them; oh well, shit happens.  I walked over to the fridge and helped myself to one of the beers in the door – something I wouldn’t have dared do if I were just another girl like them, but there was no point pretending for them at this stage; in many ways, I really was just another one of their captors. It didn’t really make sense for me to treat them any differently than the men did. Aside for the rape of course, I wasn’t really into the whole girl on girl thing, though I’d done it before.

“They’ll be starting soon. You need to get out there – wouldn’t want something to happen to your friends without you there to look after them now, would you? With this lot, you’re safer in numbers.”

“As if you even care; why did you have to hurt Katie so badly? She just wanted to get out – go back home, we all want that. You didn’t have to be so cruel. I don’t care if you helped grab us or not; you’re helping us keep us here and pretending to be our friend when a real friend would get us away from here. You wouldn’t even need to do anything hard! You get to go outside – I know you do. I heard the initiates saying that you go to public school and everything! I bet you could go to the police any time you wanted. You could help us, but you don’t; you’re a monster. Just leave us alone, we don’t want anything to do with you.”

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