Chapter 1 "Newborn"

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A mew echoed in a small cavern. Mommy? The kit thought, and she bounded into the sunlight. The sun made her blink until she could see clearly. The 5 moon-old kit remembered the name her mother had given her. Ivy of the Lost Mountain. Ivy bounded to the top of the rocks, and scented a stench that seemed faintly familiar. Ivy raced to the source, and found four cats walking alongside a line that smelled strongly of the cats. She crouched under a thornbush, and saw a golden tom leading the cats.

Ivy turned around and raced back to her pile of rocks when the tom noticed her. She slept in a tight hole, and she felt as if her pelt would be torn off. Ivy's eyes closed, and she stumbled into a deep slumber. A black she-cat curled around her. "My lovely, lovely kit." the she-cat meowed. Ivy felt at peace in the black cat's paws, and she slowly faded into dreams. Then she opened her eyes. Light shined into her hole, and she squeezed herself into the open. Vole! Ivy stalked a small furry creature, and she was worried if she fell into the river it was close to. Her paws tingled with excitement, and she pounced. "Yes!" she purred. Ivy then delivered the killing bite, and began to munch on it's rich meat.

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4 moons later

Ivy's strong muscles rippled under her sleek, glossy pelt. At 9 moons old, she was well fed and strong. Ivy had to fight rouges and foxes, and she gained a new scar for every fight. "I need to find my mother." she meowed, and set off into the golden cat's territory she had been at the edge of, 4 moons ago. 5 cats came yowling and screeching at her. Ivy ran as quick as she could, and began to weave through trees. She soon lost the cats, and hid in an abandonded Twoleg nest. It had herbs growing all over, but sleep overcame her curiosity. Ivy soon sunk into dreams unknown.

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