Chapter 7 "Die, and Rest In Peace" WARNING SHORT

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Bramblestar hissed. "Which option did you choose?" He snarled, his fur fluffing up. Ivy darkened her eyes. "The second one." She growled, her tail flicking from side to side. "Ahh. Now who is the sacrifice?" The tom snapped, his eyes darting across their group.

Winner stepped forward. "I am." He growled. Bramblestar leaped at him, tearing into his pelt. Winner watched, his eyes dulling with each slash. Blood spattered on the ground, the screams of Electra hard to not hear. "Winner! I love you! I will raise our kits to never kill! I LOVE YOU!!!" She cried.

Winner looked at her. "I love you too." He whispered, then his head rolled back and his eyes clouded. Electra threw herself at him, sobbing over his dead body. The tears sparkled in his fur, the sky darkening with clouds. Ivy finally noticed Electra's huge stomach, swollen with kits. It was even bigger than Windy's was.

Electra dragged Winner's dead body away, the small group of friends moving away from the forest. They walked from the lake that gave them water, and the abandoned Twoleg nest that once sheltered them. They passed the border, the whole group deep in mourning silence. A huge bramble wall had a tunnel in it, which the cats slipped through. The kits cried softly. Warm, dry sand dens awaited them. Electra, Ivy, and Windy slept in the largest den with the kits. Fallen, Swipe, and Strike fell asleep in a smaller den. Four more dens stood empty. Ivy woke up, the storm gone. "This is AgeClan." she whispered.






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