Dear Zoe

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The 10th of May
Dear Zoe,
It's been three days since I decided I would write to you through this diary. Your mum has come to visit you everyday, you dad had to stay away for two weeks, he caught the flu and couldn't get out of bed. He did ask me for those two weeks what you were like, they care so much about you zoe, your so lucky. You are doing such an amazing job at getting better, the doctors say if you keep up the good work you'll be out sooner then expected.

I love you so much,
Your Gorgeous boy,
Alfie xxx

The 20th of May
Dear Zoe,
So it's been 10 days since the last time I wrote to you, there was a lot of things that happened in those 10 days. Firstly you moved your hand for the first time since the accident, we were so overjoyed, then you didn't move for a couple of days, your heart rate is getting better as well. Your mum and dad started living together in your dad's house because it's close to hospital, you took a step back in recovery yesterday, you heart rate was going up and down, it's settled back now, they say they are going to keep you in for the 2 months, instead of just one.

I love you so much,
Your Gorgeous boy,
Alfie xxx


The 25th of May
Dear Zoe,
It's another couple of days later and I haven't left your side, you took a breath by your self today, they had to put you back on air because you couldn't do it for long, it was only one breathe, but it's getting somewhere.

I love you so much,
Your Gorgeous boy,
Alfie xxx


The 1st of June
Dear Zoe,
It's June now, one more month until I can hear your voice and feel your kiss again. Progress has been made again, you move your hand almost everyday now, you missed out yesterday, but that's okay because your making progress each and every day, they say soon you won't need the air either. I can't wait.

I love you so much,
Your Gorgeous boy,
Alfie xxx

The 7th of June
Dear Zoe,
So it's been 6 days since the last time I spoke through this diary. You took a step back again, you barely move your hands let alone legs or arms. I haven't left your side since the first diary entry, I keep forgetting to eat and take showers I just keep falling asleep on top of you, your so cold, I always find myself holding your hand all the time, it normally makes you flinch, which is a good thing, I know you feel me too, I want you to know, I'll be here and be the first person you see when you wake up and I'll keep the first word you say when you finally wake up in my mind as a word that will forever make me greatful that I have a life to share with you.

I love you so much,
Your Gorgeous boy,
Alfie xxx


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