Chapter 2: Acceleration To Death.

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Chapter 2: Acceleration To Death

"You are going to sneak into my house and get me a new t-shirt because you fucking ruined this one!" My heart stopped for a millisecond at those words.

"What?!" I shrieked. Just because he bumped into me doesn't mean it's my fault! And why do I need to sneak into his house?

Jayden ignored my shriek pulling me toward the parking lot. When a Lamborghini was in view, he took out his car key and pressed the unlock button. I gaped at the Beauty in front of me. He had a freaking red Lamborghini and it was right in front of me!

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies!" He hissed. I immediately closed my mouth and caught a glimpse of him smirking. Jayden pushed me to the passenger side not bothering to open the door for me.

What a gentleman.

He gets in the car and presses a button. The door on my side opens by itself as it slides up. For a moment I felt like I was in heaven as I watch this beautiful car show it to me.

"Get in!" He shouted at me in exasperation. I jump a little in frighten. Deciding not to listen to him, I fold my arms over the sticky coffee on my chest and glare at him stood in my spot.

"Why should I listen to you?" I say in a stubborn tone. Yeah, why should I listen to him? For all, I know he could be a burglar or even a rapist who wants to kidnap me. In fact, I think he spilled the coffee on me on purpose so he's evil plan could go exactly the way he wanted; then he'll dissect me like I'm a frog and sell my body parts to a cannibal. Or maybe he is the cannibal and he's planning to take me to his house so that he could lock me up in his basement and eat me for lunch-

"I'm not a freaking cannibal!" Jayden clamored. I jump again in fright and look at Jayden whose jaw is clenched again.

I should really stop thinking out loud!

"Get the fuck in or else I'm going to come out myself and throw you inside my car!" He barks louder than his previous voice. I jump inside the car buckling my belt as fast as I could.

Jayden pleased with his words, he closes my side of the door and drives off.

"So what's up?" I smile at him trying to make conversation.

Jayden doesn't even bother to answer my question. He just looks straightforward at the road only concentrating on his front not even caring about the rest of the things in his view.

"Hello?" I call out to him. He might be a bit scary at first but now he's not scary even a bit. I'll tell you I've watched plenty of scary movies and he's the least bit hideous thing I've seen apart from the rest of the ghosts.

"Do you speak English?" I call out again, this time, waving my hand in my seat to get his attention.

"Parlez vous francais?" No response.

"Sh lla yatakallamun alearabia?" I wave my hand in front of his face this time. Jayden immediately swats my hand away from his face giving me one of his deadly glares in return. I shrink in my seat finally deciding it's best not to speak at all.

I rub my now red hand from the mark that Jayden gave me. I glare at him and look back at my hand trying to sooth the pain a bit.

After a couple of minutes, Jayden starts moving uncomfortably on his seat. He kept shifting in his seat from side to side. He clenched his hand on the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Are you okay?" I say feeling the need to speak. I can't go one minute without speaking, can I?

Again Jayden ignores my words and speeds up the cars acceleration. The car goes so fast that my body was pushed back into the seat.

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