Chapter seven: Forgotten memories-Part 2

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Jets POV

"No, no, no!" A girls voice screams.
Her voice...
I find myself running, running through the village streets. Why am I running? I think to myself as I pass what seems like hundreds of small houses. I sprint as fast as I can as I pass people and children. Some scold me for bumping into them while I run towards my destination but I have no time. I end up to the house with the screaming. The girl from earlier by the creek is being pulled away from the house, she clings onto the door frame, her nails digging into the wood. Her long hair tangling up as she struggles to get out of the man's grasp. "Please don't send me away" she begs to her crying parents as they move their mouth saying I love you and I'm sorry. The man in uniform pulls her away, ripping her from the wooden door frame. The girl looks over to me, her struggling must have caused an injury, as her forehead starts to drip crimson and rolls down her small nose. Her eyes scream out help but I'm unable to move. My fear glues me onto the brick path. More men in uniform assist the man holding the girl tightly in his arms. The girl starts filling up with rage, her eyes leaking sparkly tears which mix with the red on her face. Anger starts to fill her eyes, suddenly changing them to a different colour, a lighter blue, a more teal. I look over to the parents which are still standing in the doorway, fear visible in their expressions. I see the mother's mouth move with 'its happening again'. The dad clenches onto the mother in a hug and the girl starts to levitate. The force of her magic pushing away the men in the uniforms. What a magnificent sight it is, her hair floating above her, her clenched eyes leaking sparkly tears which drop to the floor. She puts her hands to her eyes and starts to wail with pain and sobbing. The sound from the talking of the astonished village people, the sound of the moving crates at the grocery markets down the street and the chirping of the birds disappear and a new music fills the air. A wonderful music, soothing and calming and sends pretty colours into my vision as I stare at her. Colours I have not seen before, colours I have seen with her in the flower meadows and only few that I can name. Yellow, orange, pink and dark blue, a blue that reminds me of her eyes and of Levys hair. "It's beautiful" I murmer. But when I look to the men, they are on the ground blocking their ears as if they are listening to the foulest of noise and when I start to get confused I hear, "only you and my parents can hear the melody, as with the men, they are hearing a loud catastrophe of instruments and noises that don't fit together and are painful to hear. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier about my magic, I only found out a few weeks ago, I was scared..." she says as tears stream from her teal eyes. Her hands drop at her sides as If she has given up. "My parents want to send me to a compound because my magical power is growing and growing and could become dangerous, but I don't want to go and this somewhat beautiful power is becoming a burden. I only have a few more moments to speak with you as my weak power is draining but I want to say, thank you for being my friend, my only friend..."

Pain fills my throat and tears dare to fall from my eyes again as I listen to the melody and to the last words that I will ever probably hear from my friend. It feels like I have only just met her but I somehow remember this happening before. "I'll miss you , you can remember me by our spot next to the creek and Sarusuke..." she continues.

"Y-yes" I blurt out with a cough and a stutter as pain and confusion fills my voice.

"Look at the clouds for me, don't look for me after this, I'm sorry for leaving you and... You will always be my friend no matter what" the last sentence echoes through my mind as she collapses to the ground, the melody disappearing and is replaced by the village noises. The town people stopping in their tracks and talking amongst themselves about all the commotion and magic this girl possesses. Did they hear the music too? I think to myself. The men in uniforms stand up in frustration and grab her roughly by the arms, her feet dragging behind her as they bring her to the wagon. She looks up and grins, before she is thrown into the back of the cart. The mother breaks out into hysterical crying and drops to the floor, clinging onto the fathers leg as she cries on the ground.

So that was Part 2 of Forgotten memories. Hope you liked it!
But more importantly, what is Jet going to do? How is he going to react to this memory?

Thank you!?!

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