Chapter nine: Blood and tears- Part 1

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Levy's POV

I hope Jet and Droy are okay. I think, looking up to the slope. No they are strong, I have to believe in them, I have to give them faith. I think to myself looking at Gajeel who is still enraged and looking uneasy. He keeps his right hand placed firmly above me, as if slightly protecting me from whatever or whoever is out there. I grin, moving my frozen cheeks with my ironically warm smile.

"This is for my brother's! " the man yells, followed by a low scream. A large amount of light shines through the thick woods as more flames light from the man's body. He walks out of the woods, revealing his flamed self.

What did he mean by his brother's? Who is he after? Gajeel? I question. This young man seems emotionally distraught, what could Gajeel have done to upset him this much? I think as I gaze up towards the muscular, black haired man, confusion noticeable on my face.

The memories of the Phantom Lord Arc's attack pops up into my mind. Of how Gajeel branded below my chest, of how he nailed us to one of Magnolias largest tree's. I unconsciously hold my stomach as I stare at Gajeel. He looks towards me, sorrow noticeable in his eyes.

The young man screams again and Gajeel and I look back in unison. His whole body covered in flames and his eyes leaking tears, which soon evaporate. His red, short hair lifted up from the force of his magic, revealing the three helix piercings on his ears. The red and yellow fire illuminates the area as the afternoon wind breezes over me. Chills travel down my spine and goosebumps paint my body. I still lay half in the water, unsure of what to do and if I should interfere. The crying man looks up to the sky, watching the fire grow taller. My teeth chatter rapidly and my lips turn violet as the cold from the water, seeps into my body.

"Look, I'm not sure what you're talking about." Gajeel replies.

The red haired man continues to walk towards Gajeel, the smirk still on his face. His eyes still leaking as Gajeel prepares himself. The water sizzles as the mysterious man walks into the creek. The fire enveloping his body decreases in size as he travels through the water. The stranger stops a few metres away from Gajeel.

"You don't remember? Was it that insignificant to you!?" The man yells, his anger rising.

The young, red haired man, takes a step back ready to launch towards Gajeel, tears still streaming from his eye's. But before my black haired friend can react, the man quickly launches his fist into the Iron Dragon Slayer's jaw. I scream as Gajeel flies back into the creek rocks, landing on his back. Gajeel lifts his hand up, sits upwards and feels his jaw, grabbing it and moving it to see how much damage was inflicted. I couldn't see him, he's fast... Too fast and strong for my liking. I think to myself as I yell Gajeels name.

"Gihee, it's alright Levy, it won't even leave a bruise" he exclaims with a grin, trying to tick the young man off.

"No! This is not're hurt. I'm not going to let this man hurt you or any of my friend's" I yell, staring at him, his goofy smile sending extra heartbeats to my chest.

"Large talk for someone so small." The stranger says.

"Gihee, don't underestimate her." Gajeel's eyes light up with determination.

I clench my fists and I stand up, unable to control myself as I use my magic.

"Script magic, wind!" I yell, and a cyclone of wind wields towards the young man, pushing him back and disturbing the clear creek water. The fire goes out, and ambitiously, I start to think that I have won. Immediately, the fire lights through my magic and his figure starts to launch through my cyclone of wind. He somehow pushes through the lettered wind, his body lights up with flames again as he shoots an unbearable amount of heat onto my stomach. My solid script magic stops, and everything seems slow as I see the determination in his eyes and the smirk still present on his face. His hand curled into a fist and continues to shoot the chain of fire into my abdomen.

"Levy!" Gajeel yells as I get pushed back from the force of his magic, plummeting into a large oak tree nearby the creek. The stranger grins in approval before turning towards Gajeel. I fall down off the tree, landing on my knees as I whimper in pain. I weakly collapse onto my chin, almost biting my tongue in the process. I lift my chin up to try and make out what's going on.

"You know I wasn't planning on fighting the blue haired girl, but when I gave the first punch, she had to interfere, didn't she?" I hear the stranger say, my ears slightly ringing.

"You little brat, how dare you hurt my friend" I hear Gajeel yell and with my slight vision I see his right hand form into a large iron weapon. He runs towards the young man.

I slowly stand up, my back aching from the previous attack. My head feels dizzy as I try to go back into the battle. I need to help Gajeel, I painfully think to myself as I start to walk closer towards them, limping as I hold my left ribs. My vision begins to get better and I see that they are holding onto each other's shoulders, pushing against each other. The stranger combusts into flames again, pushing Gajeel off him and making him fly metres out of the creek and onto the grass.

"Tch, brat" Gajeel says, wiping some blood away from his mouth.

I stand there, my eyesight still a little blurry, but I am able to make out the movements of gajeel and the man.
I trip, falling back onto my chin, I whimper in pain, but I stand back up. The men are too busy in the battle to realise I have gotten up, ready for my moment to help fight against the enemy. Gajeel materialises his skin to iron as he sprints his fist into the young man's jaw. A sprinkle of blood escapes from the strangers mouth but he smiles. The crimson haired man rolls back. He wipes the blood with his right hand, licking the rest of the blood dripping from his mouth as he says, "Good hits... But can it surpass mine" he says, sprinting back towards Gajeel.

The Iron Dragon Slayer brings his arms in front of his face, shouldering it from the other man as if he knows the enemies future attacks. But the man instead brings out his leg and aims to swing it at Gajeel's muscular abdomen. The Iron Dragon Slayer curls his lips back into a smirk revealing his straight teeth, "Gihee."

Gajeel grabs the man's leg, and swings him into a nearby tree. The sound of wind escaping his body is noticeable with my slightly ringing ears. He pants for air, grasping his ribs, trying to allow his winded lungs to start working again.

A dry, low chuckle escapes his mouth. "This is starting to get fun" he replies, combusting himself into flames again and sprinting along the black rocks of the creek. The man zooms towards Gajeel, grabbing the collar of his black shirt, before whispering something in his ear.

All of a sudden Gajeel falls into the water as he screams in pain. He looks up to the man, trying to take over whatever is injuring him.

"Oh don't worry Levy," the sound of my name rolling off the strangers tongue disgusts me.

I glare towards him. Sadness and pure hatred start to over take me as I listen to the sound of Gajeel being tortured, "oh don't look at me like that, he deserves this".


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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