Big Day

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I'm going to do multiple little epilogues I guess you can say that... And they're all going to be different times in they're future relationship. I hope you guys like it.

*A year later*

I looked over myself in the mirror one last time before taking a deep breath.

This is my big day.
I kept repeating to myself.

I heard a knock on the door. I turned to see Andrew in a tux. "Are you ready?" He asked with a huge smile on his face. When I didn't answer right away his facial expression changed.

"What's wrong?" Andrew asked and I took a seat in one of the chairs holding back my tears. "Andrew I'm nervous and scared and I don't know if I want to do this anymore but I can't just leave Shawn at the alter." I said my voice cracking and tears threatening to fall.

"Okay first off I'm not going to allow you to cry and fall apart right now." Andrew passed me a tissue and I carefully wiped my eyes being sure not to smudge my makeup. "Second, you're ready for this. Okay? Since you and Shawn got re-engaged you couldn't stop talking about how excited you were for this wedding. You planned out everything here. Everything is exactly how you wanted it to be. I was just out there. There is a crowd full of people waiting for you and Shawn to get Married. Everything is perfect, this is your dream wedding. You have nothing to be scared or nervous about. I'll be walking you down the Isle as planned and I'll be here for both you and Shawn in the future when you need me just like I always have been. Don't worry, okay? Everything is going to be fine." Andrew says while pulling me in a tight hug and giving me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Now let's go because you look amazing and I need to see Shawn's reaction when he first looks at you. It's going to be priceless." Andrew says extending his hand to help me up from the chair.

I grabbed my phone to check the time.


After I saw a tweet in my notifications from Shawn.

@ShawnMendes: Today is the big day! I can't wait to see my princess!!! I haven't seen her all day😩❤❤

I smiled at the tweet before tweeting.

@PrincessJas: Thanks to Andrew's pep talk I'm ready! Just 4 more minutes until the wedding!!😊❤

12:00 finally came around and Andrew guided me to the Isle.

As soon as I arrived everyone stood up with huge smiles plastered onto their faces. The piano started to play.

All attention was directed to me only making my anxiety worse.

What if I trip and fall
What if I mess something up
What if-

My what if's were cut short due to Andrew. "Relax." He whispered and I nodded. We locked arms before he asked if I was ready. I simply replied yes and we began to slowly walk down the isle.

Shawn's eyes were locked on me. The closer I got to him the easier it was to see Shawn tearing up with a huge smile in his face. Once I got really close he began crying. Shawn wiped his eyes before I was handed off to him.

"There is nothing I can say but wow! You look... you look.. I don't even know if there's a word to even come close to how amazing you look." He said and I laughed while blushing a lot. A few other people laughed along.

The photographer was taking pictures and the guy we hired to record our wedding was doing his job.

As the ceremony continued we said our vows and the best part of every wedding was officially here.

"Do you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes take Jasmine Tom to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for rich or for poor, for better or for worse till death do you part?" (Something like this right?)

"I do" Shawn says looking me dead in the eye with a huge smile on his face to match my smile.

I honestly can't believe this is happening.

"And do you Jasmine Tom take Shawn Peter Raul Mendes to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for rich or for poor, for better or for worse till death do you part?"

"I do"

"... I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Shawn didn't hesitate. His soft pink lips were quickly pressed onto mine. As we kissed I heard people cheering and taking pictures.

I smiled into the long kiss before pulling away due to the loss of breath. "I love you so fucking much babe." Shawn says pecking my lips and picking me up bridal style. "I love you too Shawn. Thank you for everything."I smiled up at him before he carried me back down the isle through the cheering friends and family.

We met up with everyone at the beach where Shawn and I decided to have our pictures taken, then we were to go to the venue for the dinner and cake.

It was finally time to cut the cake. Pictures were once again being taken of Shawn and I cutting the cake.

"Shawn that's too much for me." I laughed at the size of the cake Shawn had cut for me. It was bigger than my head. He knows I can't eat all that.

Shawn got an evil smirk on his face before he shoved the huge piece of perfectly fine cake in my face causing me to scream and everyone to laugh and take pictures.

I wiped the cake out of my eyes and looked at Shawn.

"How sweet of you." I say sarcastically before he licked my cheek. "You taste sweet." He smirked and I rolled my eyes at him.

I have to love him.

"You're gross." I laughed before grabbing a napkin and wiping off as much cake from my face as possible.

The rest of the night was filled with smiles and laughters.

Today was honestly the best day of my life.


Ask me why I'm up at 4:20 am writing? (haha but I'm serious it's literally 4:20 as I write this) it's bc I decided it was a good idea to just start watching American Horror story starting at 12 am. I started to get paranoid and now I can't sleep. Who watches their first few episodes of AHS alone at 12 am??? I underestimated how paranoid I would be when I tried to fall asleep. The first episodes I watched creeped me tf out no joke. Then my brother came home at like 2 am while I was in the middle of watching the part where they were trying to reenact the murder scene that happened in the house. My brother was playing with the locks trying to unlock the door so you know damn well I was shook.

Anyways hope you had a good day 😊💞

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