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Yoohwan arrived home and as always theres a few hours before both his sister and brother come home from college. He went to the fridge and pick something cold to drink. Then Kris appeared in front of him and he immediately smiled while rubbed Kris happily.

"Krissss-ahh, poor you..You're bored staying at home alone right?" Yoohwan stared at Kris's eyes but he saw something inside it.

"Lets go out" Kris's human eyes started to send mind words to Yoohwan which made Yoohwan raised his eyebrows.Feeling weird.

"Uhmm..noona and hyung will be mad at me if I go out..but you will protect me right, Kris-ah? Hehe kajaa (lets go)" He put the collar to Kris's fluffy neck and locked the door before they walked to the nearest park. Kris walked around the park after he made sure that no one suspected him as a weird,you know a really weird big dog who looks like a wolf. Yoohwan just followed him as he was just a kid who knows nothing but always influenced by something he likes.

"Did Song Yoora in danger? I can smell..he's too near with her..but I'm not sure where's she now, haishh my scent is not strong enough this time" Kris started to sniff as much as he can to get Yoora's location but they were too far now from their house..and its getting cold.

~    ~    ~    ~    ~

"I want this project to be done in two weeks,no excuses." Seunghyun stared at everyone and as always his last stare will be Yoora. Yoora sighed and turned away from his stare as she annoyed with that. The main reason is because she doesn't get Youngji as her partner in pair project. But she quite satisfied that she got Kai as her partner.

"Song Yoora,if you didn't mind,lets start this project the day after tomorrow? Well I'm actually quite busy tomorrow for practice." Kai innocently smiled while scratching his head. Yoora turned at him and nodded for sure.

"Yes I have no problem with that Ka- uh Jongin-  ssi? Oppa? Uh aigoo Im not sure what to call you since you're 2 years older than me" Yoora smiled shyly and Kai laughed.

"Oppa is too old so just comfortably call me Jongin.." Yoora nodded before she asked another question.

"But if you're 22,you're supposed to be our senior right?" Kai packed his bag and she did the same. After that they walked out from the class together towards the café.

"Well,I'm not even start my studies after I graduated from high school.So I have to take from the basic and graduate at the age 26,wow so old" Kai joked and Yoora laughed before they met Seunghyun accidently. They bowed and Seunghyun nodded before he cleared his throat.

"Song Yoora, Im hoping on you to make Kim Jongin successfully graduate.So you're responsible in bringing our college's image arraseo?" She was so shocked at the sudden warning so she just nodded awkwardly before she bowed and forced Kai to bow as well. Then she pulled Kai quickly and escaped from their weird new prof.

"Why is he so weird?" Kai slowed down his walk and looked at her waiting for an answer. She took her breath and nodded.

"I know righttt so freaking weird, that's what Youngji and I talked earlier. I don't know I feel uncomfortable when he's around..he kept staring people like a beast" She closed her eyes tried to forget how she was so uncomfortable with Prof Choi. After they waited for a while,Yoochun came towards them and Kai slightly bowed to him. He smiled and nodded before he ruffled Yoora's hair.

"Ya shistor,are you going to sit here with your idol or follow me to our beloved home?" Yoora pushed his hand and fixed her hair. She then forced him to bring her bag and stuck her tongue out.

"Don't judge my idol and don't mess with my hair!" She grinted her teeth and waved to Kai before she walked towards the car. Yoochun chuckled and shook his head,he always having fun playing around with her. Kai waved back and laughed at their silliness because he was enjoying it. Or is it because he felt something towards her?

"Yoohwannn,Krissss we're home!" Yoora wears her slipper and looked around the 1st floor of their house.It felt empty not as always. She put the groceries at the kitchen counter and went to the second floor. She opened his room door and nothing was there except his school bag and uniform. As she felt panic, she shouted. "OPPAAA!oppa oppa oppaaaaa" She already felt trembling, while Yoochun ran and held her.

"Wae wae wae? Neo kwaenchanha? (are you okay?)" Yoora shook her head quickly and he can sense something is going on. Yoora made a fist and shut her eyes.

"Yoohwan..where's Yoohwan!?!" Yoora felt so weak and he just realized that his younger brother was really missing. They knew that Yoohwan will never brave to go outside alone plus their aunt was not there to accompany,but another thing is missing as well. Yoochun faced and stared at her deeply. He saw that Kris's rope collar was not there.

"That dog is not here as well Yoora-yah.he's going with that dog." Yoora looked at him in shock and she quickly wears her coat back and ran to go outside. Yoochun followed her a few second later and they searched for them everywhere.

After a while they stopped at the nearest shop and took a seat there as they were too exhausted. Yoochun still looked around if he might saw something. While Yoora was praying that something bad will not happen.

"Oppa..what if he collapse?" Yoochun shook his head and tried to not make her panic but they knew it. That might be possible since that's always happened since that incident. The incident that took their parent's lives.

Suddenly they heard a howling. The most familiar howling for her so she quickly searched for that sound and wiped her tears.She kept running"That's Kris..I know..Yoohwan will be fine because Kris with" she stopped and her tears fell "-is not fine.."

She saw Kris was hugging Yoohwan who already fainted and blood coming out from his nose. He tried to keep Yoohwan warm with his fur as the weather was too cold,but she saw that Yoohwan's face became pale. Yoochun quickly lifted Yoohwan and tried to stop any nearby taxi. Before he went into the taxi,he looked at Yoora who was still froze and then to Kris then back to her before he sighed.

"Go back with that dog! I'll inform you about Yoohwan. GO! Its cold!" Yoochun shouted from far and forced himself to left them as Yoohwan is more important. Yoora looked at Kris in disappointment as he's the reason why her little brother fainted and sick. But she's still felt thankful as he still protected Yoohwan.

"You..know you're not go..out..but why??" She can't stopped her tears and she also felt cold. She walked home and Kris followed from behind. A few people looked at him in amaze as he only followed her all the way to their home without any rope collar connected between both of them. And of course another reason, he's too big for a normal dog.

She weakly opened the door and Kris pushed the door using his head to close it back. She stood in the middle of the living room and cried.

"Yoohwan is sick and what you gonna do about that..." Yoora cried and whined before she heard a loud howling from behind but she doesn't care.

Kris quickly howled to change himself as a human and all of sudden he can felt the cold as it was different when with thick fur and without it. He also felt guilty because he never thought that Yoohwan was actually sick and cannot exposed to extreme weather. He slowly approached her and hugged her tightly from behind to keep her warm.

"Mwo-.." Yoora stopped crying immediately and was so shocked with the backhug. He kept rubbing her waist to calm her down and she was speechless.

"I am so sorry..My instinct said that the danger was nearby so I want to make sure you safe..I didn't realized that Yoohwan-.." He whispered and stopped at the last word.
"I should care about him first,he's still a kid. Mianhae..(sorry)".


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