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"Why must our dorm?" Chanyeol started to grab his hair in frustrated since he was scared that their fans might noticed Kai lifted a girl during his way to the dorm. Kai held his head and looked down.

"Her brother has discharged and theres her big brother with their aunt. Do you want them to ask Kai what was actually happened earlier?" D.O stared at Chanyeol before he looked at Yoora who looked so pale since the blood is still slowly delivering back to her parts of body.

"OK so what is actually happened? Did that Prof..?" Xiumin started to ask and Kai nodded weakly.

"I'm such a stupid. I cant even protect her..Kris hyung will be disappoint with me..But I think that fucking idiot is like a same thingy like Kris hyung..uhm kinda like werewolf?" Everyone gasped and looked at each other.

"Did...did you saw him become tha-.." Chen's word was cut off as Kai answered.

" just he growled and showed his fang teeth..his eyes were changed.." Kai looked at Yoora with a really worried face. "...and he hurt her by grabbing her hands and neck tightly."

After around one and half hour, she woke up but still felt dizzy. After a moment she realized she was in EXO's dorm since she saw all members. Kai helped her to sit and land at the headboards. ""

Kai smiled weakly and spoke "I've already called your brother to pick you up a while ago. I don't want to send you to your house since Im afraid that,you know I don't know what to answer their questions." Yoora chuckled and held her head but then Kai's hand was also landed at her head. She looked at him and he sighed.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you.." She smiled and grabbed his hand.

"But you saved me..gomawo Jongin-ah..I owed you." She smiled and patted his hands but then someone knocked the door as loud as he can (even theres a bell out there). She laughed a bit "Oppa-ne (its oppa)" Suho opened the door and Yoochun got shocked.

"How can my sister entered this freaking idol's dorm while sick aiishhh this gijibee (bad woman)"

Suho lead him to Kai's room and he quickly hugged her. She smiled and tapped his shoulder "You look like you run from the mountain to make sure that I'm fine.." He squinted his eyes before he ruffled her hairs.

"How can you be here? Even if you love them this is not the way shistor..You look so pale doe.." His anger side slowly gone as he saw that his beloved sister looked bad now.

"She doesn't ate anything and maybe she felt tired so she fainted so I brought her here because I'm not familiar with your house area.." Kai awkwardly explained and Yoochun nodded.

"Thank you so much for helping despite you are an idol..I know its hard to handle this thing you know to bring a GIRL in your dorm.." He faked a laughed and pressed the girl word so she can realized it.

"Not a problem at all..Well you know that she helps me a lot at the college." Kai replied and smiled.

"Okay then I'll take her home now. Thanks again to all of you..ughh 5,7,8 haa nine of you. I appreciate it." Yoochun tried to check one by one and bowed to all of them before he lifted her and went back home.

"Noooonaaa.." Yoohwan opened her room door and hugged her tightly. They did their usual bump fist and she kissed his forehead. "Are you sick because of me?..People said if someone is sick a person who closes with them will get sick as well..Mianhae (sorry)"

Yoora shook her head and explained "Everyone will get sick no matter how and when and where. It doesn't means that if you sick I will sick as well. Look at our brother,he doesn't sick at all" Yoohwan faced changed after she talked about Yoochun.

They were still hugging and Yoohwan suddenly asked "Yoochun hyung's face is totally different with us right noona?" Yoora suddenly felt weird with that question but then she just realized that when they were still a kid,a lot of people said their face were quite different but that doesn't mean anything.

"Maybe..wae kabjagi? (why suddenly?)" Yoohwan held her hands and drew something using his finger. It kept tickling her but she let him do anything that he wanted.

"36 years old when eomma gave birth of me..26 when she gave birth of you..they got married when they were 24..keujyo? (right?)" He drew the number on her palm and she slowly nodded. He continued by writing hyung ? at her palm. "What about hyung?" Yoora was quite dizzy at that time so she just blankly stared at his finger before someone knocked the door.

"What about hyung? What?"

"Did I missed something?" Yoochun brought some hot tea for Yoora and put it at the table. Yoohwan gave a kiss at her cheek and bump his fist with Yoochun before he bowed.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams." Yoohwan looked at Yoochun quite long before he left the room.

He landed besides her and they just stared at the posters of EXO. He smiled "How can an idols help you and even let you stayed in their dorm." He laughed and she hit him at his shoulder.

"Ya! Anyway where are you going earlier? Imo said you went to somewhere." Yoochun rubbed his thumbs and faked a smile.

"Just some peaceful place where full of memories.."He lied and she nodded while landed at his shoulder.

"I remembered when eomma and appa will prepare something special for us when we were 5 right? Its like a must thing to do but it such a waste that Yoohwan was not celebrating it with them when he was 5.." Yoochun has no idea what was that since he lived as 'Song Yoochun' when he was 7 so he just silented. "Do you remember what is it brador? You can never forget it because that's the most memorable day for me.." She waited for his answer.

"uh..keul-ssae..(not sure) mwoji..(what is it)..I don't know.." This time he just be honest about it and Yoora suddenly sat straight with weird face.

"How can? 5 years old you cannot remember about that.?! I mean thats one of the thing that you shou-..Jjamkkan.. (wait..) don't even a bit of-.." She stopped and remembered Yoohwan's word earlier.

"What about hyung?"

"I just don't know.." He stood and ready to leave the room but then he turned to look at her with a sorrow face. "I..I'm not you who have a good life.."

His words stopped her heartbeat and she just stared at him in disbelieve. Not sure what has gotten in her mind she just spontaneously said "Then..what kind of life do you want?" She thought that he regretted of living as a son of their own parents and hated his life. " Ouh a life where your parents are still here and see everything that you do in your life?!" She held her tears and stood in front of him. He tried to explain but he thought his ego was too much at that time. " realized that you should tell us something?"

"Something like what?" He replied. She chuckled and shook her head.

"Why our parents married when they were 24 but you're already 2 years old??" She walked closer to him and whispered "Do of Song's?" He kept stared at her teary eyes and he just kept staring without any words. Yoora felt like she was too much or is it really he did kept something?

"Wouldn't it be sad if that's the truth?" He left her dumbfounded and Kris quickly ran into her room before she closed the door and cried while hugging her knees.

Kris rubbed his head and howled sadly. She hugged him as tight as she can and Kris's eyes were teary as well. She looked at his eyes and he talked"Im sorry I cant protect you earlier.."

"I don't care about that...what if that's really a truth Kris-ahh?? That..that..he's not.." She cried harder when she remember clearly what Yoochun said in her mind.

"Wouldn't it be sad if that's the truth?"


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