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"Eli-ya..neo eodiya? (where are you?)" Nana called her housemate. It's not actually a housemate but as a werewolves they prefer to live together in a house or in a jungle.

"I'm here why?" Eli raised his hands from the living room and was typing something in his laptop. Nana brought some food and put it on the table beside his laptop.

"I'm feeling uneasy actually..." Nana rubbed her thumbs and looked down. Eli sighed and stopped from typing but just stared at the screen.

"Is it about Kris?" Eli asked and she simply answered yes. "But he's doing fine in China now stop worrying for nothing." He continued typing before she asked.

"Don't you feel all?? I can feel that he's too close..The last time we met him was 2 years ago when he left the group because of.." Nana doesn't continued her words. Eli closed his laptop and sat at the sofa.

"..Because of that weretiger was holding a grudge and hunting him..Yes he did a mistake and he deserved th-.." Before he could finished his words Nana grabbed his arm.

"Never said something bad about him. He had to do that its not his fault! That female weretiger was actually asked Kris how to not fall in love with her own enemy which is us, werewolves.." She felt her throat was so dried that she has to drink first before continued. "He tried to solve in an easy way but she wanted to suicide by jumping from the cliff and even hurt Kris when he tried to save her. But the other weretiger saw and misunderstood the whole thing and determined to hunt Kris and kill him. Do you think its fair?"

Eli stared at her in disbelieved. How can she kept all those secrets from him? And even to the others werewolves. "You should told us this before. And now you let him survive by his own in this cruel world?" Nana wiped her tears and shook her head.

"Kris requested for this. He doesn't wants us to get hurt or get hunt by those weretigers..If he's doing fine in China he would not came here for no reason since he still had a problem with his company. We should search for him Eli-ya.."

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Hongki was singing in the class passionately until he realized that Yoochun was thinking too deeply. He stopped and took a sit in front of him and knocked the desk to wake him up. "Heyy whats wrong? You shouldn't have any problem in this happy day~"

Yoochun sighed and fixed his hair before he fixed his position. He looked around and his classmates were still at the outside the class so he pulled his chair closer to the desk,and closer the distance between Hongki and him. "Do you remember about the dog that we take care now?" Hongki nodded a few times. "And do you remember the dog that pulled my parents out from the fire?" Hongki tried to remember and made the Ahh face.

"So is there any problem with that..?" Yoochun kept silent for a while before he replied.

"I'm the only one who saw the dog. I mean Yoohwan was only 2 and Yoora was fainted and doesn't even knew about the dog saved our parents until now..But the dog that currently we have and that dog is the same one.." Yoochun explained clearly.

Hongki shook his head in disbelieve. "Wait you never told her about that? That's her parents.. Song Yoochun. And logically how can a dog live for 8 years, yes its so possible but to find all of you since you've moved far from that previous house I think N.O" He made an X cross using his hands.

"That's what I thought but I remembered clearly his face. He doesn't changed and looked so suspicious like the way he doesn't howled but when he does, its too loud. And he doesn't eat doggy food or meat but a freaking bread. Plus that his size is bigger than usual just same like the dog who saved my parents. Can you imagine that?" Hongki let his mouth wide opened.

"Coincidence?" Hongki asked and raised his eyebrows "why am I involved in this doe..."

"I don't think so. I need to know who is he for real." Yoochun was determined but Hongki's words stopped him.

"You should tell them who you are first Yoochun-ah" Hongki raised his eyebrows and smiled like nothing happened.

"Song Yooraaaaa" Hongki ran towards the café and hugged her from behind. She smiled and as usual they did their fist bump. She looked around and didn't saw her brother.

"Yoochun..oppa?" Hongki shrugged his shoulder and replied.

"I heard you guys are not in a good..hmm you know. So he went straight home and asked me to send you. But before thattt we should enjoy!" Hongki excitedly raised his eyebrows and fixed his hair which made her laughed.

"You have to treat me Hongki oppa okay?" Hongki chuckled. Hongki is just like another brother of Yoora since they knew each other since they were kids.

"Anything for my baby boo come on lets go!" He grabbed her hand and they went to the mall.

Yoochun arrived at home and quickly searched Kris and he found he was sleeping soundly. He looked at Kris from afar and tried to remember the dog that pulled their parents out from the fire. " You saved them right?"

Kris automatically woke up and stared at Yoochun. With those wolf eyes Yoochun got scared but he still doesn't moved. He need to know and find the truth. Of course its weird like how can he knew by just staring at the dog but his instinct was strong. He stared at those eyes back and hoped for something but he's not sure what is it.

"If I said yes..?" Kris's mind words reached Yoochun and he was so shocked until he walked backward and sat in disbelieve.

" th-.." Yoochun tried to speak but Kris walked nearer towards him and exactly left a few inches between Yoochun's nose and Kris's wolf's nose. Yoochun just too shocked that he felt numb and cannot moved at all.

"I know everything about Song Yoora's life. That all of you were trapped in a fire and I tried to save them. The first day she entered kindergarten. The day Yoohwan was born. The day they adopted you. The day where and when and why your real parents were getting caught. Everything that you kept by yourself..I can tell them anytime and anywhere I want." Kris turned to walk left Yoochun who tried to stand properly but his legs were too weak to support his weight.

"Even you're talking to me I cant even believe that. How can you tell them..since you're just a dog a pitiful dog!" He thought in his mind that he might insane since he talked with a dog but he's sure that he was not dreaming.

Kris looked at him back "I know you were thinking I was too big for a dog. So you're true because I am not a dog and anytime you can be my prey so be cautious 'Park' Yoochun. If you love your foster siblings, you will told them everything but now you're just being selfish and coward to face the reality. I can keep my mouth shut but you have to promise me. You keep your promise you save you break it you die. Choose."

Yoochun was too speechless. He felt defenseless all of sudden. How can a weird big dog can communicate with him and even knew who he is. But for sure he will not let anyone tells Yoora and Yoohwan about himself. He nodded slowly and wiped his sweat.

Kris sat in front of Yoochun before he stared back at him to communicate again. "I came back here because my enemy hunted me and even people who I knew. To make it easy because I have too many connection with this family and theres a big possibility all of you are the targets. Protect Song Yoora and Song Yoohwan and even your aunt. No one can beat that shit but by protecting them I can feel better."

"Who are you actually and who is that enemy? If this is seriously real I don't want anything to happen to all of them." Yoochun begged at Kris and worried to death about their safety.

"Its not a right time to tell you but I will soon. Now promise me you will protect them. Especially Song Yoora."

Yoochun nodded slowly before Kris continued.

"..and tell them everything about you before you start to protect them."


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