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Yoora and Yoochun went inside the mortuary to identify the bodies. As soon as the worker pulled the bodies out, Yoora turned away while holding her neck. She cant bear to see that kind of pain. Looking at the stitched on their neck, it got sliced really long. Yoochun gripped the morgue tightly and started to cry again.

"Oppa..kaja..(lets go..) Let them prepare the bodies,we should go to the funeral room.." Yoora rubbed his arm softly before she thanked and bowed the worker. They walked to the funeral room and saw that a few people came to pay respect. Yoochun sat near the coffin as the family member with Yoohwan while Kris and Yoora greet the people who came.

After a while EXO members came to pay their respect despite their busy schedules. They're in black suit and still looked shock. Behind them there's Krystal walked together with Kai but she tried to cover her face with her long hair. Yoora bowed and they did the same before they walked inside and greet Yoochun. Krystal clasped her hands with Yoora before she hugged tightly and cried. Yoora who just calmed down started to cry as well.

"Go in..I have to greet people.." Yoora released the hug and cleared her throat. Krystal nodded and Yoora wiped her tears before she greet other people.

After they pay their respect, they sat at the table provided for the visitors along with Kris and Yoohwan. Yoora excused herself to accompany Yoochun and continued to greet the people.

"What is going on?" Suho poured the soju in every member's cup before looked at Kris and waited for an answer. Kris let out a deep sigh before he glanced at the frames of Yoochun's parents.

"He did it." Everyone looked at him and finished their drink. Krystal who doesn't know anything looked at Yoohwan who sat beside her before she whispered something.

"Who's the 'he' that he talked about?" Yoohwan finished his food before he whispered back at her.

"A bad man who killed Yoochun hyung's parents and also the one who attacked us lately." Krystal widened her eyes before he continued "Kris hyung is a werewolf and that man is his enemy, a weretiger.." Yoohwan explained everything that he knew since he's also just knew everything, a few days ago.

"Jongin-ah..he's a werewolf?" Krystal asked Kai with a slow voice and he was shocked. He mouthed how do you know and she pointed to Yoohwan who sat besides her. Kai weakly nodded before he moved closer to her and mouthed again I'll tell you later.

Click. Click. Flash. Click .

Since the case was a really rare case, a lot of reporters came to take pictures and asked the family members. After they went to different funeral rooms, a few reporters and cameramans went to the Yoochun's parents's funeral room. But this time a guard stopped them from entering the room because of Yoochun's request. Still, they captured a lot of pictures including the visitors as well wheres at that time EXO,Kris and Krystal were gathering at the same table. Eventhough they sat backs the cameraman and reporters but still they can recognized the idols. They whispered to each other before continued to take pictures and left.

"Seriously? Theres Kris and EXO there. Sitting together at one table." A reporter started to write something in her notes and another person spoke.

"Look, there's f(x) Krystal besides Kai and they look so close." She showed a picture where both of them whispering to each other. The reporters started to discuss and decided to write an article about it.

"I saw a few cameras earlier. Guess that some articles will be out soon.." Kris looked at the door before finished his drink. The others nodded since they knew that whenever they're in public even go to the public toilet will be up in the internet.

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