Arcia Valentine

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Hi my name Arcia. It's a strange name I know but I like it. I've been bullied since freshman year. I cut to get rid of pain. I have a best friend named Kayla who has been there for me since middle school. Kayla knows I've been bullied but she doesn't know that I cut myself and I don't plan on telling her.

Age: 18
Birthday: April 20th
Born in: Hollywood, Los Angeles
Hobbies: listening to music, shopping, eating, hanging out with Kayla
Favorite Artist/Band: Ariana Grande, Crystalyne, Selena Gomez, Troye Sivan
Dislikes: bullies, fake people, Fake fans, Road trips, rude people, smokers (it makes me feel dizzy)
Extra: I have an older brother and sister but I never get to see them since they're in collage. I moved in with Kayla recently. My parents are usually on business trips so I don't see them either but they send me letters to keep me updated.

Hey guys this is just a small update on the characters. I will be posting another one about Kayla and then I will start the book. I just want you guys to know more about the characters before we start the book. Okay that's it for now byeeeee!!!


Infinity//Harry StylesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora