I Wish He Stayed

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-Kayla's P.O.V-

Why is she at Ashton's place? She's not cheating on Harry is she? No she can't, I've known her my whole life she wouldn't do anything on purpose to hurt me. "I'm going over to Ashton's!" Harry yells stomping his way to the front door. "No!" I try to stop him "If you never trusted Sophia none of this would've happened! She wouldn't be crying on Ashton's shoulder. But nooooo, all you see if other girls. You can't even tell if your own girlfriend is in pain but you can see other girl's pain. You don't deserve her!" I scream on the top of my lungs waking everyone else up. A tear slips from his eyes as he leaves and slams the door shut. I fall on the couch and out my head in my hands. "Wow you're good at acting like you care." Sophia says. I give her a disgusted look at run up to my room. I'm not acting, I do care. I don't even like Sophia, I hate her. I've hated her since high school. She ruined Arci's life so now I'm gonna ruin her's.

-Harry's P.O.V-

Maybe Kal is right. I don't deserve her. I chose to believe a girl that I've known for only an hour over a girl I've known for about a month now. I walk over to the park bench and sit down. I just got so jealous that Arci is hanging with Ashton. But I know she's not going to cheat because of Kal. Would she cheat if he wasn't Kal's boyfriend?

-Niall's P.O.V-

"You don't deserve her!" I hear Kal scream from downstairs. What has Harry done this time. I see Kal running up the stairs. I hear the door slam knowing its my cue to go to her room. I stop halfway. I shouldn't do this. Kal needs time to herself but I can't handle to see tears in her eyes. I take a deep breath and sit beside her on her bed. "Anything you need to say you can yell at me." I shut my eyes thinking she's going to start screaming but instead she gives me a hug. I try to process what's happening. I give her a warm smile. "I'm fine now, thank you." "Are you sure?" She wipes away her tears and smiles. "Positive." She puts her head on my shoulder and sniffles her nose. I lay my head on top of hers and smile.


-Harry's P.O.V-

"Wake up, sir. Wake up." A man shakes me until I'm woke. I blink my eyes a few times to realize I slept on the park bench. He hands me a five dollar note and walks off. He probably thought I was homeless. I go into a store to find a toothbrush and toothpaste. I go to the back of the bathroom to brush my teeth. I head to Starbucks and grab a drink. I sit back on the park bench and sip my drink. I try calling Arci for what seems like the 100th time already. I screwed up...big time.

-Arcia's P.O.V-

I open my eyes hearing my phone buzz. 30 miss calls from Harry. Ugh great way to start my day. I sit up and rub my eyes. I walk into the living room and see Ashton sipping a cup of coffee. He notices me and waves. "Morning sunshine." He hands me a cup of coffee. He never acts like this around Kal.

-Ashton's P.O.V-

She stares at me blackly when I hand her the cup of coffee. I think she might be onto me. "I miss Kal. I haven't seen her in ages." I whine. She laughs. Oh thank god she doesn't suspect anything. "Sophia seem like a b-" I say trying to break the awkward silence. "Can we please not talk about her or this." She says interrupting me. "Sorry." I turn on the t.v and put on 'Mean Girls'. "I LOVE THIS MOVIE!" Arci squeals. "Thank you so much Ashton for letting me stay here and taking care of me. I really mean it. Kal is a lucky girl." She says. You're gonna be the lucky girl soon. "Please, call me Ash. And I'm always here for you or Kal or the boys. I just want to thank you for introducing me to Kal. It's a blessing." She gives me a gentle smile. She picks up her phone to text someone. I peer at her phone to see who she's texting. It's Harry. Ugh he has to ruin this perfect moment. "Tell me more about Kal." I blurt out making her put her phone down. YESS! Now she won't have to talk to that loser. He's so desperate it's funny. Arci goes on and on about Kal it's annoying. I want to get to know her not Kal.

-Kal's P.O.V-

Niall knocks on my door waking me up from my slumber. "Come in." I know it's Niall because he knocks four times instead of three. He walks in with a cup of coffee and oatmeal with a huge smile on his face. "I know how you feel so I brought you some breakfast in bed." He says warming my heart. I take a bite out of the oatmeal and place it on the side table. "Thank you." He sits on the edge of the bed playing with his fingers. He looks up and locks his blue eyes with my blue eyes. He quickly looks away and leaves saying "I'll let you rest." I wish he stayed.


OMG is it actually happening? Kiall? (Kayla and Niall). What is Kal up to? Ik I haven't updated in a loooong time but I've just been so busy. Here's a short chappie to make up for not updating. Boring chapter but it's late at night okay...
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