Pasts and broken hearts

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-Kayla's POV-

I wake up with mascara smudges on my cheeks from crying last night. Someone knocks on my door and I let them in not caring if they see me look like a mess. It's most likely Arci and she's seen me like this when I broke up with my boyfriend back in high school. "Hey-whoa what's up with your cheeks?" I turn around and see Niall. My eyes widen and I turn back around facing my back towards him. He probably thinks I'm an ugly loser. "Were you crying last night?" He asks me. I grab a makeup wipe and wipe off the smudges. I throw it away and answer his question. "Yes, you probably think it's weird but it's hard to explain." I sigh looking down. He plops down on my bed and says "I'm listening." I smile at him. "You really want to know?" I ask taking a seat next to him. He nods his head and I take a deep breath. "Well, since middle school which is your primary school I've never been able to keep a relationship. I thought it was because I was young. After when high school rolled around I got a boyfriend and I was dating him for 6 months and I really liked him until he cheated on me with Sophia. Sophia has been ruining Arci and my life since as long as I can remember. He told me I meant nothing to him and that people wouldn't love me. I believed him. I thought that I had hope when I met Ashton but he turned out the same. He was right. Love isn't meant for me. I'll never get it." I finishing letting a couple tears slip but quickly wiping them away. He also has tears in his eyes and I don't know why. It's probably pity. "Sorry, I don't know why I told you it's nothing really." I say after. "Kal, you will find love. Whoever that guy was doesn't deserve you. He lost an amazing smart girl when he left. You are way too beautiful to not be loved. You don't need a boyfriend to be happy. Surround yourself with friends and the right boy will come to you himself." By the time he finishes I'm balling my eyes out. I attack him in a huge hug and whisper thank you multiple times. He looks into my eyes and I smile. "Keep smiling. You look 1000 times more gorgeous." I blush and look down. I hug him again and get up to brush my teeth. "Let's go eat. I'm starving!!" I rub my tummy. He lets out a small smile and we walk downstairs. I quickly pull out my phone and text Arci what happened. Seconds later I hear her squeal from her room upstairs. I laugh at her reaction. He turns on the tv and I lay my head on his shoulder falling asleep.


I wake up and look up at the clock. Two hours pasted by and I'm still in his shoulder. I feel so bad. "Sorry about sleeping on your shoulder. If you wanted to go you could've left. Sorry I came in the way of that." He smiles down at me and I furrow my eyebrows. "I wasn't going to leave anyways. I was watching a movie. I wouldn't leave you here by yourself even if I wanted to go." He smiles at me. I move away from him and grab the bowl of cereal I never ate when I fell asleep. I quickly eat that and head upstairs. "Where are you going?" He asks me. "Going to get ready. Why?" He nods his head and I walk into the bathroom. I don't know why but I wish he stopped me from leaving.

-Niall's POV-

I wanted to ask her to stay but I didn't want to sound weird. She probably wanted to leave anyways. I frown to myself. All the boys come upstairs and jump on top of me. I scream and they get off of me. "So what happened?" They ask. "What do you mean." I exclaim. "You like Kal." Louis wiggles his eyebrows. I throw a pillow at his face and laugh. "Nothing happened." I say blushing. "She slept on your shoulder." Zayn says giving Louis a high five. "She just slept on my shoulder, we didn't make out." I say rolling eyes at their stupid questions. "Not yet." Louis says and all the boys laugh. My eyes go wide and I run up to my room. "Have fun!" Liam calls out after me. I blush and open my door.

-Arci's POV-

I get a text from Kal and squeal to myself. Harry comes into my room asking me what happened and I show him the text. "He really likes her. I want them to date already." I pout. "Patience my friend." He does a breathing exercise and sits in a yoga pose. I laugh at his weirdness and give him a kiss on the cheek. "That's it? Only the cheek. We're dating so we don't have to take things slow." He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I throw a pillow at his face. "Shut up you dirty sloth." He puts his hand over his chest acting 'hurt'. "What did you just call me?" He says leaning towards me. His lips brushing against mine. Someone open the door and we pull apart. Louis stands at the door wide eyed. "Lou why can't you knock. Why does everyone ruin the moment." Harry pouts. He mumbles sorry and leaves laughing. "Now where were we." He looks at me smirking. I lean and and run into the bathroom. "Not fair!" He knocks on the door whining. I brush my teeth and see that Harry isn't in my room anymore. He probably went downstairs. I walk downstairs and see my curly haired boyfriend making cereal for both of us. I smile at him and hug him from behind. He turns around and looks at me. My back is faced towards a cabinet and he leans in. "Heyy-oh." Niall says walking in and seeing us. "Sorry" he mumbles. "Next time I'm gonna interrupt you and Kal." His face turns red and he walks back to his room. I laugh and grab my cereal. "I want my kiss." He pouts. I stick my tongue out at him and turn on the tv. I put on my glasses and continue eating. Harry laces his hand in mine and kisses it. Why is he being so romantic today? "Is today a special day? It's not your birthday right?" My eyes go wide and I start to panic. He chuckles and nods his head. "No why?" "Because you're being so romantic." I say raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm always romantic." He says with a straight face. "Touché." We both burst out laughing. I lean in only to be interrupted by someone else. Harry closes his eyes. "Let me guess, someone is standing behind us." I nod my head and he opens his eyes turning around. We stare at Liam and he walks away. "I'm just waiting for Zayn to interrupt us now." He says with a cheeky smile. I lean in and put my lips on his. He deepens the kiss and I pull away looking into his eyes. "Zayn isn't here to ruin this moment." I say smiling. "I'm right here." We turn around and see Zayn. "If you guys don't want to get interrupted just lock yourself in a closet. Don't do it here because you're going to get interrupted. And stop snogging my sister." He says walking away smirking. I laugh at his comment and look back at him. I rest my shoulder on his and continue watching the tv.


Finally some Kiall action. Like, comment, share!


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