Chapter 2

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(I'm sorry that I haven't been updating much, but I just got a new friend and we've been having too much fun 😂👌🏻 So the time just flew like WOOSH 😂 so fast that I didn't notice. AND NOOO I DON'T WANT GARVIS TO BECOME A THING 😭😭 *cries and shakes head*)

•What is my plan?•

Laurance POV

Garroth followed me all day asking about some stupid paper, wich I didn't really care about that much.

"C'mon Laurance! Just tell me what this is!?" He yelled.  I was at my limit now.

"Fine! Let me look at this." I took the piece of paper from his hands. I looked at the paper shocked. It was the paper where I wrote all the insults and bad sentences that my mom wrote about me.

I quickly crumbled the paper and threw it at the trash can. I didn't need anyone bothering me about that.
If anyone else found out, I would freak out.

"I-I'm sorry, but I have no idea. It's just a paper that someone dropped." I coughed. "Let's go eat lunch now."

"B-but Laurance! I saw you drop it!"

"WELL IT'S NOT MINE." I yelled. When I realized what I said, I had to rephrase it. "I-I mean, it's not my paper. Go ask someone else." I turned around and walked to the cafeteria.

Garroth POV

Laurance isn't acting like himself. He stuttered and suddenly yelled at me. Yesterday when we first met, he was really confident and playful.
And to be honest it was kind of cute.

I picked up the paper from the trash can and followed Laurance to the cafeteria.


I needed to plan this right. First I got to find out what the paper was. Maybe I should ask someone about this.

I took the paper from my pocket and showed it to Dante.
"Dante, can you tell me what this looks like?"

"A paper, and it has some words on it." He shrugged his shoulders, continuing to drink his water.

"Yeah Dante, I already know that it's a paper, but anything else?" I wanted to know if he had any idea about this paper.

He turned my way, we were at the cafeteria, but no one seemed to pay us attention, which was perfect.

"Look, why do you want to know what this is anyway?" The blue haired boy sighed and took a sip from his water.

"I-I... U-um.." I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell Dante about this. I was going to find this out myself. Right?

"You know, I think you should drop it. It's not yours and maybe someone doesn't want it to be found." He took his tray and left.

I sighed and put my head on the table. I needed to be more careful with this. Dante may be right. Maybe someone doesn't wait it to be found. I need to try this from the start again.

So, where do I start again? I can't go asking about this paper anymore. It needs to be a secret.


First I gotta find out why Laurance is acting weird. Maybe I should ask him? I think I should do that.


I found Laurance sitting in a classroom. He was the only one there, so I took this as my chance.

"Hey Laurance." I smiled at him.

"Hey, what's up?" He smiled back. Now there's the Laurance I know. I still can't be sure if he's ok though.

"Nothing much, you?" I took a seat really close next to him.

"Oh I'm fine thanks." He seemed to bee scribbling something. I tried to look, but he took the paper and put it back into his backpack and turned to face me with a smirk.

Why was he smirking? Did I have something on my face?

"You didn't seem to stutter, king."
I blushed. This was the only time I wasn't stuttering and I ruined it with blushing.

"Y-yeah." Good going Garroth

"Never mind." He laughed.

"Y-you know that wasn't helping..." I was still blushing.

"I know I know" He laughed again. "Btw my sister Cadenza is having a party this Friday. Wanna come? I can pick you up."

"I-I'm not such a party animal..."
I slightly moved and looked down at my lap.

"Oh c'mon. It'll be fun. You also get to know some people." He nudged my shoulder with his.

I blushed again. Is it even possible to blush this many times a day?!

"W-well.. If y-your gonna be there.." I played with my hands

"Great! Can I get your number so I can call you?" He stood up.

"S-sure." I gave him my number and he said he'd call me, when he was going to pick me up.

I had never been to a party, especially with alcohol.

(I'm sorry that this was kinda like a filler chapter, but I'm gonna update soon so I'll make it up with that :P)

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