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Jungkook pulls his bag up a little higher on his shoulder and continues to stroll onwards. The gravel is hard and cracks underneath his feet and he wonders for about the hundredth time why on earth he decided to walk through the back alleyways instead of his usual, definitely safe, way home.

He sighs a little but continues on, weaving through the dark walkways until he turns a corner and his feet stop still, looking at the sight before him

"Who the fuck do you think you are, huh?" the male in front of him growls, pushing a small and whimpering body into the wall opposite. It's pitch black outside and the street is dimly lit, but the stark orange of the smaller's hair is all too clear.

"I-I'm s-sorry" the smaller whimpers, but the male laughs in his face

"Oh, you're sorry are you? Poor little Jiminnie is sorry?" he mocks, launching his knee into the smaller's stomach, his hands gripped tight on his collar so he doesn't fall.

"Y-yes m-master, I'm sorry" he whimpers, tears spilling from his face. Jungkook doesn't know what to do, the smaller male, who he assumes is called Jimin, clearly needs help- but Jungkook is scared too, his mother always told him never to try to be a hero or it will end badly for everyone. So he just stands there, watching pathetically.

"Prove it" the taller spits and Jimin looks up at him with tear glistened eyes, "thought so, you pathetic good for nothing little shit, I should have left you on the street to die" he hisses, punching the smaller male hard in the face and finally letting go of his collar, causing him to fall down onto the hard gravel beneath him with a thud.

"You stay here until tomorrow while I think of what to do with you" he spits, kicking the whimpering boy one last time before walking back inside his house.

Jungkook stands there for a bit, watching the orange-haired male curl up into a ball and sob into the thick scarf wrapped around his neck. He's about to walk forward, or away, he hasn't made his mind up yet- when suddenly the taller male from last time returns, holding out his hand.

Jimin slowly sits up, reaching towards the man with hope in his eyes, until the taller starts to laugh at him and pulls his hand away,

"Pathetic" he laughs, "I came back for my jumper, now give it" 

Jimin suddenly looks up at him in panic and desperation, "p-please, I'll freeze to death" he whispers, only to be beaten down again, punched repeatedly in the face and kicked in the side until he can no longer move. Once the smaller is as weak as he could possibly be, the taller male pulls the jumper off of him, leaving Jimin in a thin t-shirt, shivering and shaking on the floor, "See- that wasn't so hard was it?" the taller laughs before finally walking inside and locking the door.

By now Jungkook has made up his mind. He walks away.


A/N Wow I've started so many new stories today

Who do you think Jimin's master is?

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