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Jungkook is half way through his shift at the café when the door chimes open and a familiar man sits down at one of the tables

Jungkook has to use all his willpower to not launch a plate at his head and pour hot coffee on his face at the sight of him,

Jimin's master

"May I take your order?" Jungkook asks through clenched teeth, only for the customer to wave his hand in frustration and inform him he's waiting for someone else and that Jungkook should come back later

It's another ten minutes until Jimin comes scurrying in, beanie pulled low on his head and large backpack weighing him down painfully. He pants as he struggles to walk towards the table before giving the bag to his master and sitting in the seat opposite him

"What took you so long?" the elder male spits and Jimin shifts a little,

"I-I was c-carrying your bag, and I fell, and then when I looked up- you were gone so I-" Jimin is cut off by a harsh slap to his face that has tears well up in his eyes, but he doesn't let them spill

"Don't let it happen again" the elder hisses before waving a hand in the air to call a very angry Jungkook over

Jimin doesn't look up when Jungkook approaches the table, the orange-haired is too busy staring at the floor and trying his hardest not to cry at the stinging feeling still left on his cheek

"Sir, I'm afraid we don't allow violence in our café. If it happens again then I'm afraid you will have to leave" Jungkook says crisply, forcing a sickly sweet smile

The elder man scoffs, "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do with my property?" Jimin flinches noticeably at this, peering up and then almost jumping a mile when he sees who the waiter is

"J-Jungkook?" he whispers, almost inaudibly, but Jungkook hears and tries his hardest not to react to it

"Sorry sir, company policy, now what can I get you?" he asks, quickly changing the subject

"Just a cappuccino" the elder sighs and then Jungkook finally turns to face Jimin. He looks so small, so delicate.

"And anything for you sir?" he asks, his eyes urging for Jimin to say something, anything

"He's fine" the man snaps and Jimin nods quietly, returning his gaze to the floor

"Can I have a name for your order?" Jungkook asks, although the coffee shop doesn't actually require for him to give one

He just needs to know. He needs to know the name of the man who's hurting Jimin.

The man sighs, "Yeah sure, it's -

A/N You can decide ;)

Don't worry about things like height or age because we can just alter that :)

Vote on who you want Jimin's master to be:






A random person (although bare in mind that this will be slightly more difficult for both you and I to imagine/write about)

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