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"What the fuck Jeon Jungkook, you left him there to die you idiot" Jungkook mutters to himself angrily as he continues to stomp through the night. Honestly he was just too afraid, afraid to get involved in someone else's drama when he has so much of his own to worry about anyway. But now he just feels like shit, "shitty shitty thing to do Jeon, shitty shitty move" he sighs, unlocking the door to his house and dumping his bag on the side.

He sits in front of the TV for a couple hours, staring at the screen but not taking anything in. All  he can think about is that poor boy and his hopeful eyes.

"Fuck it" he finally gets up angrily, switching off the TV and grabbing a jumper on his way out.

He's ten minutes down the street when he hears shuffling and gentle crying coming from the alleyway, and with one last exasperated sigh, he walks towards the noise.

Jimin is there, he looks so pale, shivering and sniffling in the pitch black with his scarf wrapped up to his nose and a beanie pulled down to his eyes. Jungkook approaches carefully, still slightly unsure of himself,


A/N I've decided this is going to be a short chaptered fic, but I will update often to make up for it :) Please vote + comment! <3

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