Trying To Cope

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Gabe POV

We had spent the last few days making our deliveries but I couldn't wait to see my wife. I couldn't wait to see my kids running towards me when we rode up to the beach. We were all trying to stay positives as we wanted to get back to our wives. Matt and Bam were starting to get at each other's throats. We are on the home stretch as I stood in the wheelhouse with Bam. "How are you going to feel about having all women in your house?" "Honestly, I can't wait. I do want to have a boy someday but I will take whatever I can get." I look out and I see the home bay. "We are finally home." All of the boys are trying to get the boat to dock in the water and we quickly get to the beach. We lowered down the trebuchet as Bam made the sound for the family to come to the beach. I turned towards the beach to see all of the members coming. We slowly made our way to the beach and the others helped us bring it out on to the beach. Then I saw Rose and Henry running towards me and I took them in my arms. "Where's mommy?" "She was taken by the bad man." "What bad man?" Then Noah stepped forward. "She was taken by David." "The rest of you didn't go after him?" "We didn't have any way to reach them. We just had to wait." "Now you have no idea where he took her?" "No, we don't." I put my kids down as I walked towards Browntown. 

Grace POV

I knew I was in a boat when I woke up. He had hit me on the head as we got closer to the beach. My feet were tied together and then onto a pole. I put my head on my belly. "Are you still doing okay baby?" Then I felt a kick as I left my hand on top of it. Then we came to a stop quickly as I rolled and I stopped myself before I landed on my belly. Then we stopped as I heard footsteps above me. A hatch was opened and he came down the ladder. "Did you enjoy our little ride. I think it is time for some fresh air." He untied me as he pushed me towards the ladder. I went up slowly as we stood inside. He pointed towards the door as I stepped over. We had docked in Juneau as I looked along the dock. I was trying to plan my escape route as I stepped closer to the railing. I was about to step over when he pulled me back. "You will not leave this boat, if you do, then the motion sensor will sound off." I hope Gabe would find me soon. I was going to miss Christmas with my kids and I couldn't stand it.

Gabe POV

I was shooting at our homemade target on the beach. I was using many different rounds of ammo to let my anger out. I heard someone coming up beside me and it was mom. She put her arm around my neck and then I broke down. "The family always leans on you and I want you to lean on me for once." I dropped my gun as I cried into her shoulder. "We are going to find Grace and save Amber before she is born." "I'm scared that he might be beating her around and we could lose the baby." "We are going to save both of them." I cried into her shoulder as she held me. I noticed Matt coming out of the tree line as I pulled away from mom. She looked in the direction I was looking in and then she turned back to me. "I love you baby." "I love you too mom." She walked away as Matt approached me. "How are you holding up man?" "Not so great." "You know I love you, right?" "Yes" "So, that means that you can talk to me about anything." "I know that but I just want to be alone right now." He pulled me into a hug as I was already numb. He pulled and then he heads back to the town. I picked up my shot gun again as I shot the target.

Lacy POV

I was running around the house with the kids. Stefan and Valerie were fighting as Edward was crying. My body was aching and I couldn't go anymore. I actually started crying when I heard the door open. Noah was standing across the threshold. "Okay both of you, out of the house. Leave your mother alone." Then he stepped in and his mom was behind him. She took Edward from me as she walked out of the cabin. He shut the door as he walked over to me. He reached down and took my shoes off of me. He helped me up as he guided me towards the bed. "I hope we are going to sleep and not anything else." "You are going to sleep and I'm going to watch you." I laid on the bed and he laid another pillow under my belly. My back was feeling relief and then my belly had something to rest on. He moved to his side as I felt a hand going down my hair. I tilted my head and looked down at me. "Sleep" He kissed my head as I settled down.

I woke to the sound of opera music playing softly in the background. The sun had already gone down and I sat up on the side of the bed. I got out of bed slowly and made my way into the front room. The music was getting closer and I saw Noah conducting an experiment on the kitchen table. "You know we eat on that right? I hope you aren't going to get us sick or worse." He looked over and took off his safety glasses. "I wouldn't do anything to harm my family." He stood from his chair and walked over to me. He put his hands on my waist as he looked me over. "Do you feel better?" "Yes, I needed that. Thank you." "Good and guess what happened at dinner." "What?" "John is going to propose to Rainy." "That is amazing when is he going to do it?" "Dad, actually had a condition before he could propose." "What did he say?" "That John would have to go to rehab for alcohol." "Didn't Matt go to rehab a few years ago?" "He did and he is doing great now. I think this is what he needs and we are taking him after Christmas which will take three months in rehab. Then when it is time for us to go, then he will be getting out." "I almost forgot about that." I moved over to the couch because my feet were starting to hurt. "You almost went to jail." "Dad and Bam are trying to save us from having to do that." He came over to join me and I put his face in my hands. "I can't believe you almost went to jail." "I would do it in a heartbeat to save you or the kids."

David POV

I was watching Grace as she was sitting across the table from me as she ate. I checked us into a hotel for her and the baby would be safe from the elements. I had a plan that would take three more months to finish. She took away my chances of being a father and I was going take her baby as my own.

It Wasn't My Fault (Alaskan Bush People Story: Sequel to Locked In A Tower)Where stories live. Discover now