The Warehouse

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Amelia POV

The family was worried about the rest of the wolf pack because they haven't come back from the hospital. To keep our minds busy, we all decide to clean up the Integrity. I was down below taking care of the bunk area and everyone else was spread out. Ami had gone to the hospital to see if she could find anything out. I was taking off all of the sheets that I will take to the closest laundry mat to clean them all. The children were even helping as they were picking up their toys. Eleanor was watching all of the young babies, she was starting to become uncomfortable because of the baby. I couldn't believe my baby was almost one. We cleaned for the next few hours and Ami still haven't returned. We all gathered everything as we made our way to the hospital. 

Lacy POV

The doctors had tried for the last few hours to save my baby boy. They had been doing everything they could to keep him alive. He was small enough to lay in my hand. I was sitting in a wheel chair with my hand inside the incubator. Noah was sitting next to me as he was doing the same. A nurse was disconnecting him from the wires. Ami put her hand on my shoulder as I started crying. We had added on another room to the cabin for the twins. I was rubbing my finger along his small arm. "We love you so much Marius, you will never be forgotten sweetheart. God is ready to welcome you into his kingdom, where you will not be in pain anymore." I felt another hand on my leg and I knew it was Noah. The machine that monitored his heartbeat had stopped. I let my sobbing begin as I cried my eyes out. "Noah, our baby is dead." "I know, darling." "I don't know if I can cope." He took me into his arms and I cried. I pulled away as Ami pushed me pack to my room. "I'm sorry you having to go through this my dear." "I'm sorry that I lost one of your grandbabies." I looked up to see the entire family walking towards us. Stefan and Valerie ran over to me and took them into my arms. I started crying again as I held them tightly. "Momma" I looked to see Edward holding his arms out to me. I had all three of my babies in my arms as I held them for dear life. I noticed Ami walked away from me as she whispered to them. All of the boys went past me and I heard Noah crying. My wheelchair started moving as everyone walked beside me. I turned into my room and Cosette was squirming in her bassinet.

"I have someone I want all of you to meet." Ami walked around to pick her up. I heard a chair moving across the floor as my newest baby came into view. "This is your new sister Cosette." Valerie kissed her head. "You're so sweet Valerie." Then Stefan turned towards me. "Where is our baby brother?" I looked over at Noah and he wiped his face. "God wanted to bring him home." Then in Valerie little voice. "Is he in heaven?" "He is." I kissed the back of her head as Edward giggled at Cosette. Then Noah spoke up. "I think it is time for Cosette to eat." The family cleared out as Amelia took the kids with her.

Noah POV

I helped her back into the bed as she lowered her gown. Cosette latched on to her nipple and started to suck. I kissed Lacy's forehead as I looked down at my daughter. "I'll be back in a minute." I walked out of the room as the family was taking up most of the hall. "I need to tell all of you about Gabe. David was here last night with Grace and Gabe happened to show up when her water broke." Matt stepped up. "Do you know where they are?" "I don't but he took both of them. He said that he was going to take Amber away from them." "We are going to go look for them." The boys dispersed out of the hospital.

Gabe POV

I was tied to a chair as Grace was laying on a bed. She was getting closer to having Amber because her contractions were getting longer and closer together. David was sitting across the room as he watches both of us. Another contraction was happening as she turned to look at me. "I'm right here baby." Sweat was running down her face as she closed her eyes. Nobody was helping her through this. He had led us to a warehouse on the outskirts of town. We had stopped because she need to as she held onto me. He had turned around to a tree to go to the bathroom as I left a note on the side of the building to tell the where we were going. She screamed again as another contraction took over her body.

Blaine POV

I was walking with John as we searched around the outskirts of town. We noticed writing on a side of a building and then we heard a woman scream. We ran towards the scream and we noticed a door was opened to a warehouse. He pulled his gun out and he walked in first. He started running towards a door that had light coming from underneath it. John kicked it open as the light fill the room we were in. "Hold up your hands." I heard a gunshot ring throughout the warehouse. I ducked down as I saw Gabe and Grace across the room. I ran over to Gabe as I untied him. We ran over to Grace but she told us to stop. "I have to push or something will happen to the baby." Another gunshot was heard again as we ducked. I noticed John was down as David came after me. He hit my head with the butt of his gun as my head fell to the floor.

It Wasn't My Fault (Alaskan Bush People Story: Sequel to Locked In A Tower)Where stories live. Discover now