XVII: Stay?

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Duffel bags were on the living room as if someone's leaving for good. I cant believe my eyes. Couldnt I be happy for a long time without any nuisance interrupting?


"Why did you pack my stuff Mayura!?" Rokuro was at it again being too loud. Seigen and Shimon were watching, clearly unamused.

"You want to be stronger right?" Mayura asks stopping his outbursts. She knows she's right, she know how to make Rokuro say yes. "If you come with me we'll both be stronger, together."

We'll be stronger, together. I once told him that, now I cannot say it anymore. It felt so shameful, so agitating knowing I cannot be up to par with this woman in front of me.

He was awfully quiet, clearly confused. "Do you mean back at the Island?" She looks smug now knowing she's near her goal.

"Yes, you know Im right Roku." Her voice with edge as if it's directed to me.

"Oy little brat..." Seigen warns her which she plainly ignores.

"But.." Rokuro seemed torn and it hurts me that he cant choose me right away. I know what he always wanted and Mayura's giving it to him.

"Roku, the propechy's fulfilled. Everythings done. Now you wont feel miserable living with the person you dont love. Its a win win situation Roku, dont be stupid."

Feeling miserable? I knew he resented our situation but I never knew he felt this strongly about it.

"Stop it now!" Seigen's command cut the air sharply creating silence.

"Youre such a pain you brat." Mayura only rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out pissing her father off.

I stood up from my seat with as much composure I can hold. "It's alright Rokuro" I smiled warmly letting my good intention reflect on the outside. "It will be good for you." With a respect paying bow, I excused myself.

"Excuse me please, I'd like to rest now."

It was the longest walk to my room, ever. I never wanted to cry, it felt so immature. I already gave up on trying to fight for everything. A spark of happiness always has a high price I have to pay. Miyuki's staying at her room now guarded by Kinu, Kinoko and talismans by Arima-sama so I know she's as safe as can be while I cant say the same for myself.

"I want Rokuro to be stronger, even without me." I whispered my wish in the cold breeze under the moonlight.

I couldnt sleep despite my fatigue. For hours, Ive been lying in my bed restless. Did he leave without saying goodbye? That would be easier though. As the door creak open, I pretended to be asleep not wanting to deal with anyone tonight. My bed shifted indicating someone sitting on it.

It's him. I can smell his scent, his presence was overpowering.

"Until now, you dont know that I can see through you." He whispers. "Youre a bad liar Benio." His voice sounds sad and apologetic at the same time.

"Are you here to say goodbye?" I can't help but ask startling him a bit. He shook his head.

"Otomi-san has a point." I insisted.

"I cant be away from you Benio. Were a family now, do you think I can do that?" He is on edge now, a bit weary. My cold hands found his warm cheeks.

"Sorry Rokuro, for making you feel miserable." I say looking him right in the eye letting him feel how sincere I am. He shook his head once more. He lay in the place next to me, spooning.

"I cant be miserable when I'm with you. Its impossible." My heart started beating so fast I thought it'll jump out.

He's warm and most of all he's staying.

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