Chapter 3

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"BADGERS!" Ravenfur screeched and grabbed Adderpaws scruff and raced to the apprentices den. Nightpaw and Russetpaw were already in the apprentices den when hearing the word 'Bad'. The three huddled together. Nightpaw squeezed away from her brother and sister and stood in front of them. The clan was silent. Her tail twitched on the ground. Ravenfur stared at the badger that lumbered into the clan. She was with the apprentices and Rockpool was with Tigerstar. Everyone stayed quiet. The badger sniffed the air and lumbered toward the apprentices den. Ravenfur shrank down. The beast snapped its jaws at her and grabbed one of her front paws as she swiped. She yowled in pain and was flung out of the den by the creature. Nightpaw watched. The creature turned and ferociously slammed its paw into the den. Nightpaw jumped up and landed on the paw gouging her claws into the beasts paw. Adderpaw and Russetpaw followed until the creature began pulling its paw out. The three got off the paw and began swiping at it with piercing sharp claws. Slicing small wounds on the beast. It pulled out and roared. It limped backwards and turned. Ravenfur latched onto the creature just as the other warriors got out and began to help. Nightpaw jumped out but was immensely pushed down to the ground by Spiritclaw. "This isn't a fight for kits." The young warrior hissed and smirked knowing he had gotten to Nightpaw's soft spot. Nightpaw growled and slashed his cheek and tried kicking him off her. "When I'm leader...and your still here...I'm gonna exile Starclan wishes." He hissed. Nightpaw stopped fighting. "What do you mean 'like Starclan wishes?'" She asked worried. "Oh, right. No one told you yet. Starclan sent a prophecy to Littlecloud. It said 'Everything will be peaceful once Night had banished.'" He growled. She hissed and kicked him off. "I am not a threat! Or a kit!" She yowled and leapt onto the badger ignoring what Spiritclaw told her. 'He just made it up. Nothing is real. Nothing that he says is right!' She thought furiously as she slashed the Badger letting all her anger out on it. 'I'll show them I'm not a threat!' She thought again.

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