A Naked ninja

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~your pov~
I started seeing sonic more and more often. Though one day on the news I saw the harm he had done. Let's just say that sonic wanted to defeat saitama. A hero that kills his enemies with one single punch. Of course I thought that that's impossible. But oh well, people have to dream about something. Sonic though went a bit too far. He attacked civilians to
grab this bald's man attention.
Anyway. I left John with an old friend of mine as I went to visit city-J. I was going there to see my mother's funeral.

~the next day~
I woke up still a bit sobby from yesterday's event. I was in a hotel room.  Shocked by the time. It was already 15:30. I was actually surprised that none of the staff members woke me up. I was supposed to leave at 10 in the morning. Oh well. I went downstairs but the hotel was so silent it felt haunted. I ran outside straight into the rain and ran. The streets where also empty. I wonder why. That's when I hear " Evacuation! All civilians leave the centre. Monster of level demon"
*AH just my luck!* I thought ironically. I didn't know city-J that well. So I don't know where to go. That's when I heard someone shout
"Puri puri pure prisoner!" Or some $hit of that sort. I hold on to a lamppost. The ground was shaking, is this an earthquake? But no. It stopped and then I thought I heard sonic. So as any normal f^cked up person would do. I went straight towards the noise knowing that I might possibly die.
When I was half way there. Sonic was right in front of me.
Was I right about dieing? Yes.
I just didn't know that I was going to die if noise bleeding. That ninja boy was NAKED!!! right in front if me. I turned around as red as a tomato.
Sonic: (y/n)! What are you doing here?
Sonic: long story.
He grabbed me like a princess and I blushed deeper. My noise was going out of control. And in a flash I was at my house. I ran to the bathroom and cleaned my bleeding noise. I'm not into over muscular boys. But sonics body was so attractive. Not too fat nor too fit, not to slim nor to round. Just perfect.

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