Loneliness and tips

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~your pov ~
It's been a while now. I've been living with my boyfriend, sonic. But lately he became even more obsessed on how to defeat the Cyborg and baldy that I'm feeling lonely. Of course I have John and Kuro. Although I want my lovers attention and affection. He seems not to understand this, so I feel as if he didn't care about me anymore. 
I know that he is very proud, full of ambition and courage. But he's taking it too far. I'm trying to make things right, I'm doing my best to fixed this relationship. Nothings working, he just let's it crumble.
I decided to walk around aimlessly. Until I saw an old friend, she ran up to me and smiled.
So I smiled back: hi Leila!
Leila smiled: Long time no see miss (y/n).
We walked around and talked about all sorts of things. I recall Leila knowing a lot of tips about relationships. So I might ask her help.
We were eating a cake at a cafe.
Leila: so, (y/n) who's things going with your boyfriend?
I try not to tear up: He......
Leila: He broke up?
Me: No....Well. ...I think if our relationship continues going down. I might.....
Leila cut me off: What's the situation
I sigh: He is so obsessed in defeating his rival that he doesn't even talk to me that often. I'm trying to fix the cracks but I can't do it on my own.
Leila: Go and tell him.
Me: But what if-

Leila stood up and cut me off again: What's if What?!! Look if the guy loves ya then he'll understand your feelings if you just tell him. If you wanted someone that just by looking at you will understand you then you should become a lesbo. Men dont have this connection as girls do. They need to be told and if you don't tell him you are not "fixing" the relationship correctly. You shouldn't play mind games with boys about these things. Since for them silence is just silence.

Nothing. I have nothing to answer her back.

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