Alien soulmate 1

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jungkook's perspective

It all began with me being hit on my head while walking home. So, what happened was;

It was probably around seven in the evening when I was walking to my apartment after buying foods. Wanting to get home fast and eat the take out, I decided to take a shortcut which was probably not the safest way. I haven't been hearing people being hurt around here nowadays so why not?

And so, I was walking down the alley which was a little too narrow, still checking behind me if someone's following me. It was until the end of the alley where I heard some footsteps. Shaking, I turned around and saw no one. I'm pretty sure I heard some footsteps. Shrugging, I kept on walking to get to my apartment. Before I could make it out of the alley, I got hit by something really hard in my head and I blacked out.

Walking up in a what looked like laboratory was strange. Seeing that there were wires attached to my body was weirder. There was a tattoo on my wrist. I don't remember getting tattoo, how'd this end up here? I massaged my head as it was hurting and looked around when I saw a man walking my way.

"Oh, you're awake." The man said and placed his palm on my forehead. "You're okay." I scoffed at his words. "What makes you say I'm okay? Who are you?" Being a nice person, you can't just go and yell at some stranger even if they do something stupid to you. "I'm Chang, nice to meet you." He smiled and forwarded his hand. I stared at him in a 'are you kidding me' expression. "Oh, sorry." He began taking off some kind of wrapper from my wrist which was attached to the chair I was sitting on. I was basically kidnapped.

"What's your name?" He tilted his head. Why should I tell a stranger my name? "You don't have to be afraid." He read my mind? "Yes, yes I did." I stared at him in horror. "What are you?" I sulked in the chair getting scared seconds by seconds. "How do I say this, uh, I'm an alien as you humans call us. To be honest, you're an alien to us too." He talks too much. "Sorry." Oh right, he reads my mind.

"Anyways, what's this?" I pointed at the 'tattoo' on my wrist. "Oh, that's your soulmate finder!" I confusedly looked at him. "A what?" He grinned and pulled a chair, no, levitated a chair over to him. "A Soulmate Finder. If it glows when a certain person is around, that's your soulmate. We've been here for since twentieth century and we figured that humans are always breaking up and that they're always wishing for their 'right soulmate' and so we decided to help. Obviously, we haven't done for everyone but we're getting there." I took a deep breathe and stared at him.

"I was fine with not finding a soulmate. I still have studies to do. I've never broken up with someone since I never dated and I'm twenty so why'd you do it for me?" I asked nicely as I didn't want to make him mad. Who knows what he'll do. "You seemed lonely." I gapped my mouth and stared at him. "Sorry, no offense but you did. The way you were walking, it looked so lonely it bothered me so much." He nervously chuckled.

Wow. I don't know if I was supposed to be flattered or sad. "Anyways, it's nothing bad honestly. You'll gain powers just like me and you don't have to be with someone who you'll just break up with." I nodded. "But there's one thing you need to be careful about."

"And what would that be?" He reached for my hand. "You can't show this to people. It's dangerous." He pointed at the 'Soulmate Finder'. "What would happen if someone sees it?"

"They'll know about you not being 'human', the person we first did to showed it to someone and he just disappeared, we still don't know where is he?" I closed my eyes, wanting to put together all of these. "So, what you're saying is that if someone sees this mark, I'll disappear?" He nodded, biting his lip. "Okay so, if this mark glows when I'm with certain someone, they're the one?" He nodded again. "Why'd you put it in an obvious place, though!" He flinched.

"Okay. I'm still mad that you did this but it's okay. What time is it?" As my wristwatch wasn't in my wrist. "It says 7:30 AM." It's morning already? What happened to my take out? "Your food, I put it in the fridge." Just then, my stomach growled. I nervously chuckled. "Can I go home now?" He hummed as he helped me get up. "Let's share number." He grabbed his phone and handed me.

I dialed my number and called my phone. "That's my number. You can keep the food," and I walked outside. It was a basement? How come I never knew there was a basement here?

How was I supposed to love the person? Don't you fall in love and then be together? Sighing, I walked my way to my apartment. Great, I have to order another takeout. I shouldn't have tried to be productive yesterday and walked to the store to buy myself a takeout instead of ordering. But like they say, everything happens for a reason.

I just hope the person who is supposedly my soulmate isn't someone who's a jerk. Obviously it'll be a girl but I've never been attracted to a girl before. Sure I think some of them such as my mom and sister are pretty but other than that, I've never looked at any girls in a romantic way. I've been always attracted to boys.

a.n: chang is from the other book! i actually missed that name ideky haha. anyways, hope the first chapter wasn't that boring. pretty sure it is , but i'll think it's not.

wasn't going to upload today but since @kneptunek wanted me to upload 😘

till next time!

; mila

Alien Soulmate || vkookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें