Alien Soulmate 3

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Taehyung's Perspective

"Mr. Kim, you have to sign this agreement with the president Han." My secretary said while I was getting ready to head home. "Can't I do it tomorrow?" I groaned, putting on my coat. "No, Mr. Kim." He insisted. "Mingyu, stop being so formal. I've told you many times." Scoffing, I snatched his pen and the form to sign.

"It's not very professional to call you by your name." I rolled my eyes and handed back the form. "Whatever. I'm going home alone today, I'm going to the supermarket, so tell driver Choi to leave the car key." He nodded and headed out of my office.

What is life? I'm only twenty-four year old and am already a CEO of my dad's company. It's not like I don't like it, it's boring. Going on meetings, signing papers, discussing with old people, and having to reject every arrange marriage proposal.

They're all nice and all but I just can't. It's not like I have a choice of whom I'm marrying. One thing that's keeping me from not raging out on Chang- the guy who made me like this, is because he said the "soulmate" I'll find is the one who holds my happiness. I just hope he's telling the truth, because if not he'll have some of me. Even though he's cute, I can't think that way towards him.

You must be confused as to what the fuck is a "soulmate" and what even am I talking about. Well, honestly, it's so weird even for me to say this. Basically, I'm not normal. Not normal meaning that I'm not the same like everyone else around me. Now, I wasn't born this way.

Chang was the one to do this to me. Two years back, I was taking a stroll at night and suddenly Chang appeared in front of me and said things I did not even understand. He talked about how sad I looked, which I'm not sure if I was sad or not. He also talked about how he can help me be happy. I did not agree on what he was saying but he insisted and took me to his hideout and here I am like this today.

"Here's your key." Mingyu handed me my car key as I walked out to the parking lot. Putting on the belt, I started driving towards the supermarket that's close to my house. I mostly like to eat instant noodles, but sometimes I cook. I don't really like going out to eat.


Wearing a suit to supermarket isn't the best idea. Everyone stares at you like you're some kind of new spices or something. I don't get it. If you're rich, do you not go to supermarkets? These people needs to know that everyone is the same; rich or poor.

Firstly, I went to get the ramen and then went to the Coca Cola isle. This has happened once to me before, but, I felt something in my wrist. Sure I have the long sleeves suit to cover my mark but still, I felt something, something so refreshing. I can't explain the feeling but it sure did felt good. Does this mean my supposed soulmate is near me?

I looked around and saw three person aside me in the same isle. A boy who was looking at something and did not have a long sleeves shirt or anything, so he probably isn't. If he was, he'd be wearing something to cover up his mark and that leaves to these two girls who have long clothing. But, why am I not happy?

Didn't Chang said that my soulmate holds my happiness? Why am I not happy? Why do I suddenly feel disappointed knowing what gender is my soulmate? I wouldn't completely call myself gay but, I'm bi. But why am I so disappointed right now?

I hurriedly walked away from there and checked out my stuff and headed to my car. I sat on the seat not knowing what to do; just thinking. This was actually the second time my mark glowed. The first time was last year at a park full of people. I was so happy when my mark glowed that time. I immediately called Chang and told him about it but couldn't figure out who the person was.

From that day forward, I had this huge hope that my soulmate would definitely make me happy. Just by knowing it glowed I was happy; how happy would I be if I actually knew the person? I'd always ask. But today I'm suddenly really disappointed knowing it'll be one of those flashy girls.

Let's just hope they'll be able to make me happy as Chang said.

a.n: i changed Jungkook's age from twenty to twenty-two

sorry it's boring. i'll try more ^^ this is just the beginning anyways, so stay patient with me.

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