part four

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[ FOUR - Love, Love, an' More Love ]

The one date turned out to be two dates, three dates, four dates... until Niall and I went out so much I eventually lost count. However, on the fourth one, Niall had insisted we go back to mine. He knew I worked at home. I told him that on the second date. So he wanted to know what I did—career-wise—thus I thought, alright, why not?

It seemed that we were getting pretty serious about each other, so it was about time he learned this side of me. We'd been dating for almost a month now, so. I knew it wasn't just some quick, one time fun.

"Wow, you've got a real nice place," Niall commented upon a few steps inside my apartment, "are ya teh daughter of teh president or what?"

We both laughed.

"I just get paid well." I said, turning on light switches as we pass room by room.

I never really thought about it since I wasn't the kind of person to, but I could understand why Niall was overwhelmed. My apartment was like a penthouse, really, with it being on the 50th floor and all. And it was mostly surrounded by glassed walls that provided a perfect view of the skyscrapers of the city.

Everything else inside the place wasn't exactly normal, either. The furniture was a limited collection from some Korean designer that I'd ordered from when I'd moved in years ago. The ceilings were high, white—just as were the rest of everything else. It was the modern dream house I'd always wanted, and I got so used to it I'd forgotten I would've killed to even step into something so luxurious.

"Okay, holy shit, what is it exactly tat ya do? This is mad." Niall said as he crossed my kitchen. He slid his fingers across the marble countertop, his face completely bewildered.

"I..." I started, unsure of how to say it. "Follow me, I'll show you."

Niall quickly rushed behind me and I led him through a short, wide hallway to my bedroom. It was bright in there, just like anywhere else in the place, since it was opened through the huge glassed walls. I'd always loved waking up to Manhattan's beautiful skyline. The city was what kept me alive.

I moved my mouse that was attached to my desktop, the screen coming to life not even a second after. Luckily, the software I used was already displayed. I must've forgotten to close the project I'd finished before I left earlier today.

"Isn't tat Adobe Photoshop?" Niall asked, shortly approaching from behind my shoulder.

I felt warmth in my stomach. "Oh, you know what it is,"

"Yeh, I was taught a bit of it in secondary school." Niall brought his face closer to the screen to look at the picture carefully. It was an ad for a perfume. "Did ya do this yerself'?"

I nodded, looking at the picture proudly. I'd worked a few days on this one. "It was just a plain, old perfume bottle in the beginning. Then, well, I did my magic." I chuckled.

"Wow. Tat's amazing, Claire! You've got some serious editing skills, ya know tat?" Niall remarked, his eyes still glued to the screen. "This looks like it should be on a billboard!"

My stomach dropped then. Little did he know...

"Niall, actually, I've designed almost thirty billboards... not that I'm counting or anything," I faintly said, not wanting to sound like I was bragging. I was just really proud of myself.

Niall whirled his head toward me, his jaw almost to the floor. "I'm speechless, honestly, I don' know what tah' say. Yer so talented, babe. Yer like, amazing, an' just, super, super talented."

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