Chapter 6, A day in the life of Bill

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Dipper's POV

My eyes fluttered open. Ughhh do I have to wake up? I closed my eyes, trying to savor the moment. I haven't yet realized the person I was laying on...wait wut? My eyes flew open, Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! What the heck am I doing here? How did I get here? WHY WAS I ASLEEP ON BILL?! I thought for a moment, pondering how I could've gotten here-Mabel! I didn't really want to get up though...might wake up the devil, literally. But much to my surprise he was already awake and staring at me with a lazy-smirk on his face. "Having fun in your thoughts?" He questioned. I blushed, I was kind of straddling him. "S-sorry," He put a finger to my lips, "Don't be." He whispered. My eyes widened, WHERE WAS HE GOING WITH THIS?! I quickly got off of him and stood up by the side of the bed. He shifted to face me and made a pout face, "That's not going to work Bill. If you want anything with me, you have to work for it." He was reaching out towards me, trying to pull me back to him. I just stepped back and he fell out of bed. "Also, for future reference, there is a thrift shop down the road. Get a job and you can get new clothes, I'm not going to pay for your stuff." And with that I grabbed some clothes and walked out. 

Bill's POV

Get a job, he says. Get your own clothes, he says. It'll be easy, he says. Well Bill if you weren't such a dimwit, YOU COULD'VE MADE A BETTER MOVE! Oh like I haven't tried already?! Probably NOT! Your to find out how to take care of this body thing. I casually got out of bed and stretched. So far so good! Maybe this whole 'Human' thing isn't so hard after all! Then I tripped...well done Bill, well done. OH SHUT UP YOU STUPID! I yelled at myself. In the hallway there was a door and stairs that go downstairs, door it is. 
I heard singing in a familiar voice, but who could it be? I twisted the handle slowly and found Dipper singing in the shower. "DISCO GIRL! COMING HOME! THAT GIRL IS YOUUUU!" I smirked and pushed the door the rest of the way open. This would be a great time to shower! I mean come on Dipper's already in there, one more person couldn't hurt...right? "ARG!!! BILL WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" Dipper screamed. "Not so loud kid! Stan might hear you, I was hoping to take a shower. If you don't mind." "Well I'm already in here!!!" He shut off the water and put a towel around himself, yes there was a shower curtain. I didn't see anything...yet. He stepped out and pointed at the shower, "It's all yours." He said bluntly. Once he was out I stripped of my clothes  and got in, AHHHHH COLD COLD COLD!!! BILL YOU IDIOT!!! THAT'S COLD, NOT HOT!!! I quickly switched the handle the other way and found it relaxing. Now to see what humans use these bottles of liquids for. I popped the cap on one that said 'Shampoo', was I supposed to 'poo' it out later? Better safe than sorry. I poured some into my mouth. EWWWWWW!!!! THAT TASTES DISGUSTING! Why do humans torture themselves with this junk? I read down the bottle, "For hair usage only, Do Not Eat..." I squirted some, and massaged it into my hair. At least there was directions on the bottle, now rinse and let's see what else we got here. "Conditioner? Sounds like you put this in an Air Conditioner, why was it in the bathroom?" Might as well read the bottle...HAIR USE?! HOW MUCH STUFF DO HUMANS PUT IN THEIR HAIR?!! After that slippery mess I put on some 'Face wash for men', 'Shaving cream', and 'Body Wash'. I then grabbed a towel and dried my self off. Great, how am I supposed to change? Oh yeah...I snapped my fingers and a fresh pair of the same clothes I was wearing earlier were on me. I then came out of the bathroom and decided to go outside. I climbed down the stairs only to be stopped by Stanley, "Who are you and why are you in my house?" I was at loss for words. Then it came to me, "I'm Dipper's boyfriend, he invited me over to stay the night." Stan looked me up and down before deciding to let me through. Dipper was reading on the couch so me being me, I had to distract him. "Dipperrrrrrrrr, show me around townnnnnnn." He waved me away but i just slammed his book shut. "Bill, I lost my page!" I gave him the puppy eyes, he growled and stood up. He showed me just about every inch of the town except the woods, I was pretty sure I knew everything around there. "So Bill, are you going to get a job or what?"! I would work at Lazy Susan's! "Yeah, want to come with?" He nodded and we walked towards the diner. On our way there I managed to grab Dipper's hand and hold it, but as soon as he saw the diner, he let go. I saw the help wanted sign and walked into the cute little restaurant. "Why hello boys! 
Have you come to eat?" Dipper shook his head, "Bill here saw your help wanted sign and wanted to get a job." "Well of course! Right this way Bill!" Dipper couldn't follow but he smiled at me and sat down at a booth. Susan gave me some work clothes and handed me a broom to sweep the place. Once I got off from work I decided to ask Lazy Susan something. "Hey Susan?" She gave a family their food and walked towards me, "Yes dear?" I took a deep breath. "Could I maybe borrow some stuff for a date tonight?" She smiled "Of course dear! Just be sure to return it the next day." "Thank you so much!" I smiled back. I received my first pay check that day and decided to go to the thrift shop to buy some clothes and such.

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