chapter 2

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(Dream and Justin parents)


"Yes it is me pumpkin I decided to come 3 month earlier the tour was boring so I came home you are gonna let me in,hug me or stand there blinking and gaping"dad say in a joking tone

" uh...h come in"I let out a nervous laugh

He walk in and I close the door and walk into the living room with him.

"Dad I have something to tell you"

"Yes dear what is it"

"I'm pregnant"

"What the FUCK!!.his face hardened

As soon as the word came out of his mouth he ran into the kitchen and came out with a knife and stick it in my stomach . I let out high pitch scream ,blood started flowing on the floor .I fell and black out.

"Tia,Tia,Tiaaaa wake up!!!"I bolt up and hold my belly protectively and took in my surrounding
oh that was a relief just a nightmare.

"What time is it"I ask Mandy

"12:30"Mandy reply

"How long was I asleep for " I said

"About 30 minutes ago"mom replied

"do you wanna talk about the dream since you are crying"mom asked

I did not realized I was crying until I taste the salt in my mouth.

"Well I dreamt that dad came home earlier from tour I told him I was pregnant he got mad and went in the kitchen for a knife and stick it in my stomach and I black out"

"Go and wash your face and change quickly Justin will be here soon"mom said


I went up to my room and got dressed in a knee length sunflower dress ,
wash my face and pat it dry.
I went downstairs and saw Justin and his mom in the living on CUE the doorbell rang mom quickly answer the door revealing Justin's dad.
I quickly walk down the last few steps.
I hugged Justin parents and kiss Justin cheek we have friends from second grade but our friendship turned into love.

We all walk into the kitchen and mom brought to the table
: sandwiches,lemonade,fruits,
macaroni and cheese.
While we ate we make small conversation when everyone was finished mom decided to drop the  bomb.

"Thank for coming on such a short notice the I call you is because........."

"I am pregnant with Justin being the dad"I finished

"What,how,when????"the parents ask in a chorus

"Am gonna be a dad,"Justin smiled brightly.

"Son are you really smiling when you know this means you are gonna have to man up"
His dad sounding a bit mad

"I know I will get a half day job after school"Justin replied

"That my boy at least you are not suggesting abortion for my grandbaby"Justin mom said sounding happy

I felt a bit guilty for even thinking about abortion.

"I am proud you are willing to care for a baby and not run away from reality "his dad said

"Do you want to come we are going to do a check up and get a ultrasound"mom suggest

"Of course I would love to come"(Tasha) Justin mom said quickly.

"Yes I am coming" (Joshua) Justin dad said

In the end we all went :

(Mandy,me, mom) in one car

(Joshua,Justin,Tasha) in the other

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