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(One month later)


It been two long month since my pregnancy and it been good mom got me and job at a coffee shop a few block from home which pay $30 an hour plus I get tip I started working one week after my first ultrasound. My hour are 2:50 to 8:50 which start after school and Joshua usually pick me because this is the time he leaves work. The parents are disappointed but are very supportive, only my dad is not aware off my condition I avoid all contact with my dad
At school my teachers are suspicious because I am always asking to be excuse for sickness .

Today is my second appointment I am currently at school in math class ,,, my best class (note the sarcasm)

"Tiana can you please answer that question ?"Mr.Brown said slightly irritated

"What was the question Sir"I said not in the least interested

"What is X ?" He asked

Everyday I learn about Y and X in Mathematics algebra

"Sir Maths -Mentally Affected Teacher Harassing Students algebra : your X is gone and she is not coming back so stop asking me to find her"I said and walk out of the room leaving behind shock persons the class then burst into fit laughter

Since I started grade 10 Mr.Brown had some sort of grudge above me or something and has been picking on me .

Justin is not at school today he had to do some work with his father , he got a job at a pizza place to deliver pizza on a bicycle in the neighborhood for $40 an hour he works for 3 hours ,3 day a weeks he started 2 days after my first appointment

I went straight to the fountain in the hall and drank 2 cup of water the doctor said i must drink alot of water to stay hydrated turning on my heels to leave the school i heard fainted foot steps indicating someone was coming my way it turns out to be MR.BROWN MY FAVOURITE TEACHER (note the sarcasm)

"Ms.White can i speak to you"he ask

Angrily I said "So what you can pick on me"

With a guilty face he said " No so I can tell you why I acted like that"

"And what is that"

"Well I wanted to have an affair with your mom but she said she is staying loyal to your father but refused to date me so I told she I will provoke her property"

"So you choose to nag me"

"Yes and I am truly sorry"

"Yea whatever"

"I truly am .....can I ask you something ?"


"Are you pregnant , no offence"

"None taken ,why would you say that"I said nervously

"Because recently you have wearing big baggy t shirts and have been unusually sickness"

"OK please please don't tell anyone yes I am pregnant please don't anyone please'' I said breaking down sliding down the wall to the floor

"Ok I won't stop crying before you bring attention to your self and get up"

Suddenly I felt something wet and thick under my jean I look down to see blood I heard distant yell by Mr.Brown before I black out with one last wish


15 And PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now