chappy 5

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Mr.Brown   P.O.V

Here I am one of my pregnant student on the floor bleeding and i dont know what to do her mother JULIE will be pissed if i let her daughter die even though Tiana said not to tell anyone but I have to. I ran to a classroom and got a female teacher and told her the situtation we then ran back to Tiana pale body she called an ambulance .

10 minutes later

The ambulance arrived and the doctors came rushing out with a wheel bed and put Tianas body on the drive to the hospital passed in a blur....i was in the the waiting hall for ten minute During that time i called Julie ,she came crying with her children and a boy i assumed is the baby father and his parents  sadness filled the air ,,the tension between Juile and i are forgotten at this moment .

Soon but not soon enough a doctor came out and said "Are you the family of patient Tiana White" he said addressing us

"Yes we are what happened to her"her mom said looking from under tear stain eyelashes

"Can I please see her please "the boy said

"I am sorry to sorry to say but she is........."

Omg no

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